The Trouble with Delayed Decisiveness
What are you postponing?
I had an interesting encounter the other day.
I received an email from someone who, well, kind of sounded desperate.
The email basically said, "Please - I will do anything to be successful."
But yet, when we contacted this person, they didn't want to speak just then, because they were leaving (later that day) for a 3-week trip.
Even though the purpose of the phone call was a 5-minute interview to see if they've got what it takes to be successful with our systems and methods.
In fact, the person seemed rather exasperated that we would call on a day when they were leaving for a long trip. (Seriously, you ask?!?! Yes. Like I was supposed to know that.)
So they asked if they could call us in 3 weeks when they get back.
Now let me ask you -- do you think this person is REALLY serious and would actually do ANYTHING it takes to be successful?
Nah, I doubt it. Someone who truly meant what they said would have taken the 5 minute phone call, even if it meant paying $4.50 a minute to talk ON the plane to wherever they were going.
But this is not an uncommon scenario. Many people are using something I like to call "delayed decisiveness" and then they wonder why things in their life don't shift fast enough.
I define "delayed decisiveness" as postponing any decision that wants to be made RIGHT NOW.
When people ask me what 1 thing I attribute my success to thus far, my answer is quick: "I take immediate action."
The Universe loves SPEED and when we postpone a decision that COULD move us forward, we are in no uncertain terms telling the Universe "this whole thing can wait."
So while that person was clearly sending a message to the Universe that said "My success can wait. I don't need it right now. It's not a priority," I am wondering what messages YOU are sending to the Universe about what YOU want.
What are you putting off, postponing or procrastinating over? What decision are you delaying? What is asking for your attention, yet you are dismissing it for later?
NOW is the time to take action. Don't fall prey to delayed decisiveness -- make that decision NOW. Get started NOW. Take some sort of action RIGHT NOW.
Otherwise, you'll just find yourself at some point down the road, in the SAME situation, wondering why nothing ever changes.
If you're ready RIGHT NOW to change careers, find your passion, empower people, make truckloads of money, and take control of YOUR time and YOUR life, then click here (right now!)
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