Would you like to know why we haven't had a female U.S. President yet?
I got some REALLY interesting information the other day during a client call, and I'd like to share it with you.
(And as always remember -- you don't need to take MY word for anything -- use your own Truth Testing method to find out what's true for YOU. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, get thee over to my YouTube channel to find out what's what.) Sorry about the "thee" there -- just gearing up for the Colorado Renaissance Fest later this month.
Apparently, MOST of us are harboring some pretty nasty limiting beliefs about women in power.

Check these out (you can check for yourself whether or not you believe this -- remember, it may be at the subconscious level and you may have resistance to acknowledging that you believe any or all of these):
- Women don't belong in business
- A woman in power is a dangerous beast
- Women buckle under pressure
- Women can't be trusted
- Women can't handle pressure
- Never send a woman to do a man's job
- A woman's place is in the home
Yes, I know that most of these sound extremely antiquated (as in, 1950's and earlier) and some are downright horrifying -- but do you really think that the women's liberation movement could just reverse deeply ingrained limiting beliefs that have been around for centuries -- for generations and generations since our early time as humans?
I think not. There is PLENTY more shifting work to be done.
Perhaps this explains much more than why we haven't yet had a female U.S. president. (Maybe we're getting closer, but we're still not there yet.)
I think it also explains why:
- women are STILL paid less than men
- women are expected to do it ALL -- work, make money, take care of the home AND raise a family
- women have so many remaining self-love and self-nurturing issue
- many women have a hard time earning what they are truly worth
- many women have a hard time asking for what they want and need (and getting it)
- so many of my clients are women
So what is there for YOU to do?
Well, you could start by checking to see if you are currently holding any of these beliefs in your field, and then CLEAR them.
Then watch what happens...
And remember, don't shoot the messenger....I'm here to raise awareness, not to bristle feathers. Check for yourself! And let's shift whatever needs to be shifted!
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