Does Success Mean Long Hours?
Today I saw a cartoon depicting two businessmen dining in a restaurant. One said to the other "I'm successful beause I'm lucky. Of course, I didn't become lucky until I started working 90 hours per week."
I laughed when I saw this. Not because it was funny, but because it was just sad.
I agree that we create our own luck. Absolutely that's true.
But really, how long will our society continue to stress ourselves out by perpetuating the notion that you have to be a workaholic to be successful? That's just stupid.
Some of my friends are millionaires, adn they only work a few hours per day. No, they're not lucky and no, they weren't born rich (although if you believe what Bob Proctor says, we were all born rich...but that's another topic for another day). They've simply figured out how to work smarter instead of harder.
The media puts outrageous expectations on parents today. You're supposd to have a career adn work 90 hours per week to get ahead (which you'll never truly be able to do as long as you work for someone else), plus be the perfect parent, work out and eat right (whatever that means) plus do tons of stuff for other people in your "free time." What about YOUR needs? When do you get to take care of those?
When is it OK to take time for YOU?
I'll tell you right now, I don't care what you do for a living, a 90-hour workweek is a heart attack waiting to happen. You simply can't sustain that kind of breakneck pace forever. It's not healthy.
So what can you do?
Well, for one thing you can hire me to help you get things sorted out. If you could figure out what you truly want and go after it with the same gusto that you put into your job, you could move mountains. Change the world. Make a million dollars. Whatever you want! I have helped hundreds of people find ways to make money doing what they really love. (But I'm not cheap and I'm very selective about who I choose to work with.)
In fact, because I'm not able to work with eveyrone who wants my assistance, I'm working on a top-secret project. I'll be sharing more about it in the coming weeks, but suffice to say this thing is going to revolutionize the way you think. You'll see me on Oprah wihtin six months after this thing hits the streets. But I've probably already said too much. All in good time, all in good time.
In the mean time, think about this:
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