Hurricane Katrina Can't Dampen My Success Spirit
Katrina and her Waves can't stand in my way today.
Naturally, I'm continuing to do all the things I normally do during a typical day. Exercise, cook healthy meals, post to my blog, check my Alexa ranking, write, work on my exciting new product which has the power to transform lives. This is exciting stuff, so I wouldn't want to just sit aroudn and mope about my home potentially being lost!
Spent much of hte day today calling friends adn personal consultants for advice about insurance stuff. Interesting things were learned today. No real news about our home yet.
Here's another Success Secret for you: successful people don't sit around and wait.
That's right - I can guarantee you a lot of people from my home town of New Orleans are doing just that. Sitting aroudn, wondering how they will pay their bills without working. Wondering when they can return home. Waiting for word about the situation.
Not me. Who has time to wait when hundreds of thousands of people are anxiously awaiting my message? I don't only mean this message of course--I mean the message I have to share about how to achieve success in life! I am busily writing, preparing and planning. I am furiously finishing the draft so I can get going and get it out there into hands of good people such as yourself who deserve the very best that life has to offer.
So I have no time to wait.
My question for you today is this:
What action could you take today instead of waiting or putting off your dreams?
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