One Simple Choice
Have you ever looked back on your life and realized that one simple choice that YOU made has made all the difference in your life today?
If you have, are you focusing on the choices you made that created positive outcomes, or negative ones?
Unfortunately, most people tend to focus on their "bad" choices which appeared to create unfortunate circumstances. They usually start like this: "If only I hadn't....."
Fact of the matter is, there are no bad choices. Each choice is just that - a CHOICE. There is no good or bad, except in the way you perceive the outcome. I'm not talking about "positive attitude." Don't be fooled into thinking that you can change your entire outlook with a positive attitude. It certainly helps, adn will get you farther than a negative attitude, but it takes more than a smile and happy face to change your circumstances.
So if I'm not talking about positive attitude, what do I mean that the outcome depends on how you look at it?
I'm talking about opportunity-mindedness.
Instead of wallowing in a perceived negative situation, find the opportunity in it and get busy thinking about that (finding the opportunity is where a positive attitude can be helpful).
The official word today is that we can't return home to New Orleans to collect our pets and valuables. We're displaced from our home for an indefinite amount of time. We don't know the extent of any damage to our home (but we're fairly certain we're not submerged completely). Even if we could go back, life as we knew it in New Orleans is GONE for at least 1-2 years while rebuilding and healing takes place.
By using my opportunity-mindedness, I focus on the opportunity present in the sitaution.
This is an opportunity to relocate. I have always wanted to live elsewhere, and this is a great opportunity to find out where. My parents can finally get a new home in a better location. I have insurance to help me rebuild. I have a business that's internet-based and phone-based, so I'm portable. Millions of people are flat-out OUT of a job, and have no source of income for awhile.
But I am where I am because of a choice. Well, a series of choices, actually.
I chose to leave my job and pursue my own business. It wasn't easy - trust me! Many others would have quit when faced the obstacles I've surpassed (read my previous post about persistence). If I had chosen to stay in a job, I would have zero resources of income.
I chose to bring my daughter with us when we departed for Phoenix on Aug 19th. Otherwise, she would not be with us right now. Losing stuff is one thing, but being separated from your toddler (for more than a day or two) would be devastating for everyone involved.
I chose to attract people into my life who are caring, loving and generous. The result has been an outpouring of support from across the country. Prayers, positive energy and emails are flowing in from all sides.
It certainly helps to know a dozen people living in $1million+ homes all across the country. "Come stay with us - we have plenty of room" is a phrase I've heard repeatedly this week. That's not a coincidence - I attracted that into my life by the choices I've made.
I've got 3 questions for you today:
What choices have YOU made that have positively impacted your life?
More importantly, what choices have YOU made that didn't turn out the way you intended?
Can you now forgive yourself for making these choices, and search for the opportunity that lies within? When you stop beating yourself up for making "bad" choices, you open the door for opportunities. Oh, and the positive attitude doesn't hurt either.
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