Attraction in Action?
Unless I'm mistaken, we've talked about the Law of Attraction in this blog before. And of course, by "we" I mean "me," since I get to talk and you get to read if you so choose. Haha.
Anyway, the basis of the Law of Attraction is that you get what you put out there.
If you're worried about running out of money, you get unexpected bills and a dwindling bank account. If you think all men are jerks, guess what kind of men you get to meet? If you think your job sucks, you better be beefing up your resume because it's about to get a lot worse. If you worry about your poor health, I'd fatten up your health insrance coverage.
Of course, if you believe people are wonderful, radiant beings, guess what kind of people you get to meet? And if you believe you will find hte perfect mate, it's only a matter of time until that happens. If you think about the abundance that surrounds us, you get more of teh same. Get it?
Law of Attraction means you get what you think about.
Of course, the fun part is taht it's a LAW so it's always true, no matter what. It's not like it won't work part of hte time or only for certain people--it's a L A W. So it's working all teh time, whther you notice it or not, whether you let it work for you, or not. Cool, huh?
If you're attracting good stuff, and you learn to make the Law of Attraction work for you, then YES, you would probably agree that the Law of Attraction is pretty cool. On the other hand, if you are thinking crappy thoughts and attracting crappy stuff, you're probably not a fan (or a believer) of the Law of Attraction. Of course, the great thing is that you are free to choose to change your thinking at any time. So whether or not the Law of Attraction works for you is entirely up to you.
How can you tell what kind of thoughts you're having? Take a look at what you've attracted into your life. Whatever experiences, relationships, situations and circumstances you have NOW are a direct results of thoughts you've been having in the PAST. (Incluyding the immediate past).
So if you're not happy with your current experiences, relationships, situations and circumstances, begin to change your thinking NOW so that you will soon have new experiences, relationships, situations and circumstances in the immediate future. Makes sense?
If you're not familiar with teh Law of Attraction, and if you're scientifically minded, you're probably wondering WHY and HOW this Law of Attraction presumably (your word, not mine) works. Well, I really don't feel like going into that here, so I suggest you check with teh King of the Law of Attraction himself--Michael Losier. His book is cheap, fast to read, and the info adn techniques can be immediately implemented. Go ahead, you're worth the $12, or whatever it is.
Now don't be discouraged if you think wonderful thoughts toeday and your world is not miraculously transformed overnight. After all, your not-so-wonderful experiences, relationships, situations and circumstances did not get to their current state overnight -- it was the result of months (years, in some cases) of the thoughts you previously thought. So give your new thinking a couple of weeks before you throw up your hands in exasperation and say "this isn't working!" Remember, it's a LAw, it always works even when you don't think so. This is a Universal Law, I am not making this stuff up.
For example, I can see that my thinking is changing because of the people who are naturally attracted to me. Yesterday, my family traveled with our 3 cats by plane from Houston to Colorado. Imagine taking 3 cat carriers, an active toddler, a stroller, a carseat, a diaper bag anbd a laptop bag through security. It was like having our own personal traveling circus. Yet peoeple were bending over backwards to help us out.
The airport security people were the nicest I've encountered to date..the cart drivers were super-helpful. We even met a lovely Chinese couple in their 80s who were headed to Vegas to celebrate their nephew's 70th b-day. Most of hte flight atendants were friendly (which, for Continental is saying a lot). We even got a decent sandwich on a 2-hour flight, and my daughter slept the whole time.
Two total strangers each carried a cat on board for us (and were immediately rewarded for stepping up becaue they got to pre-board with us). People were calling carts over, helping us load and unload, entertaining the baby, etc. It was amazing.
Then it's time to claim our 3 checked suitcases at baggage claim. I've got our carry-ons and cats loaded onto 1 cart (Where is a skycap when you need one?) and I'm wondering how I'll get the 3 suitacases, teh cart, teh stroller and myself down to where my hubby is going to pick us up after renting a car. Then one of the cat-carrying ladies from earlier says "oh, let me help you." She rents another cart for me, loads it up and pushes it (while rolling her own luggage!) down to the 4th floor. She even waited with us and kept my daughter laughing until HER daughter arrived to pick her up.
Serendipity, you say? Law of Attraction, says me.
So my question for you today is this:
How can you immediately put Law of Attraction into your life to create positive changes?
spam delted
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