Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The First Step to Success...

Are you wondering why you're not getting the results you want? Perplexed about the fact that you are doing all the "right" things but not achieving the breakthrough success you desire? Want me to tell you what's wrong?

OK, I'll be blunt: it's YOU.

That's right, YOU are the problem. (Wait, stop crying because you are also the solution.)

The first step to success is to work on you.

Someone once told me "Life gets better when you get better." My first thought was, "How rude!" Then I thought "ah, he must mean positive thinking." WRONG! When you work on yourself and improving yourself, getting rid of those limiting beliefs we talked about...THAT is when you start to see a radical improvemet in your world. For a refresher on the success formula, check out the license plate formula for success.

How do you work on you?

1. Embrace personal development. Stop dismissing it as esoteric blah-blah or touchy-feely nonsense. Here;s the bottom line: someone hurt you when you were young, either with words, actions, or lack of words/action. In that moment, you made a decision and you have spent the rest of your life making decisions based on the reasoning and rationale of a six year old.

Ouch. YEah, I didn't say it would feel good while you're doing it. But it suuuuuure feels great afterwards (and for the rest of your life, when you get to the source and stop attracting the same crappy situations and people in your life over and over and over and over....) Sure, you could go through therapy but PD books are a lot cheaper and keep in mind that therapists are paid BY THE HOUR. IT does not benefit them for you to feel better. Exploring your feelings doesn't get it done, but it creates billable hours. Finding the root of your limiting beliefs and eliminating those limiting beliefs is bad for the shrink's business. But which way benefits you? Think about it.

2. Forgive. Yeah, it's that simple. Have you ever noticed that when you refuse to forgive someoene (i.e., hold a grudge) that a lot of times, they are so arrogant NOT to even NOTICE that you are resenting them?!?!? Can you believe that? Yeah, it's because wheen you hold a grudge, the only person you're hurting is Y-O-U. Whatever they said (or didn't say) or did (or didn't do) is just a reflection of something in your past--some limiting belief that they accidentally found the hot button for and PUSHED it. They don't even know they hurt you in most cases. So don't be stingy with your forgiveness. When you finally forgive, you will feel a HUGE weight lifted from your own shoulders. And you open the way for good things to come to you instead of blocking your good with resentment and animosity.

3. Learn to accept the fact that there is nothing to "fix" about you. These limiting beliefs are just that -- beliefs. They do not represent a character flaw, a defect or a missing part of you. They are simply beliefs that were probably crated in childhood or early adulthood, adn tehy can be changed. You are whole, complete and perfect, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. When you can accept that (for you touchy-feely types, yes I'm telling you to love and accept yourself but if I say that the analytical and bottom-line types will tune out) you create an opening for success to come to you. Period.

So what are you waiting for? Get to work on YOU and watch what happens in your life. People smile more. You get help more often, sometimes without even asking for it. Things suddenly start to go your way. Some will call it serendipity, luck, good fortune...I call it the Law of Attraction, baby!

Oh, I know what you're waiting for--the question of the day. Here it is:

Are you willing to work on you in order to improve your current situation, or are you more content to do nothing and complain? If yes, will you start today?

P.S. Have you seen this yet? Thanks to my buddy Melissa for forwarding it on!


At 1:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

spam deleted


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