How To Achieve Success
I am reading an incredible book right now -- you're crazy if you don't rush out to Borders or Barnes and Noble and snatch up your own copy right now. It's called The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale and it is fascinating.
As you may recall from a previous entry, we discussed the license plate formula for success: Be-Do-Have.
Meaning, to get whatever you truly want, you must first be the person who has that, then you will naturally do the things that person will do, to ultimately have what that person woudl have. If it's wealth you want, you must first be wealthy in your mind (and think like a rich person) which will naturally lead you to take the steps and make the decisions that a wealthy person would do/make, which will eventually lead you to have wealth.
Some of you reading this alreayd know about this be-do-have thing. However, you may find yourself stumbling because you are secretly and invisibly sabotaging yoruself.
Whether it's money, love, or whatever, you may find that when you follow the be-do-have formula for success, you have temproary results. In other words, you get some of what you want, or you get it for a short time, but then you're right back where you were before.
Sound familiar?
I know, becuawe I've been through it personally many times. And I'll probably continue going through it, because that's part of life. But knowing the secret to success will certainly help.
OK, I'll tell you the secret to success, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, OK? I mean, this isn't the kind of thing you want floating all over the Universe, is it?
The secret is a lie.
It's a lie you tell yourself, that you've been telling yoruself for so long, you don't even realize you're telling it to yourself. It's probably something that happened when you were a little kid that really made an impression on you (probably a bad one) and it has subconsciously stuck with you your whole life.
Maybe you got snubbed on teh playground, slapped around by a parent, or heard or witnessed something a child has no business seeing. Maybe you tried to buy something with your own hard-earned allowance money adn got ripped off. Maybe it's something your parents or teacher or grandparents said. It could be anything, and sometimes the hardest part is actually identifying this limiting belief.
In the book the Attractor Factor, Dr. Joe Vitale tells us we can identify this hidden saboteur by looking at what irks us.
That's right, whatever is bugging you on a constant basis is a major clue.
So what's eating you? Is is aggressive drivers, bad manners, inconsiderate lovers, typos (such as the ones featuered here!), bigots, snobs, egotistical people, complainers, whiners, suck-ups, jerks, what? Whatever gets your blood boiling is a great indicators because it's inadvertently hitting that old hotbutton from childhood.
Basically, if you can identify the feeling associated with that age-old event, which keeps getting brought up constantly in your adult life, you can see it for what it is, and let it go forever. Then you won't keep sabotaging your diligent Be-Do-Have efforts. Ah-hah. There it is.
And if this sounds like a bunch of hooey, fine by me. Keep having the same irritations adn frustrations in your life - it's no skin off my nose. Meanwhile, I am working through some O L D stuff without high-priced therapy mind you, and I am having breakthroughs and experiecing amazing things in my life. You live your life nad I'll live mine. Oh, but I do have one question for you: How is your life? Do you love it or does it suck? Becuae I love mine, so you know, that could be a clue. Maybe you're happy with a sucky life because it gives you somehting to complain about? Yeah, that's helpful.
Anyway, if you are serious about making a substantial change in your life, and finally getting whtaever it is that you want, I suggest you grab a hold of this book.
And speaking of books, my new success method should be available shortly. I have asked Dr. Vitale to co-market this phenomenal product, which means sales will explode! However, as promised, you all get first dibs, so I will keep you posted. And thanks for the encouraging comments and emails, I really do appreciate all of your continued support! (By the way, our Alexa ranking is up to about 129,000 so thatnks for reading!)
You know, now that I think about it, this is EXACTLy thd kind of thing we want floating all over the Universe, so PLEASE go out and tell everyone this secret. Better yet, email your friends (and not-quite-friends) this blog post so they can see for themselves. Watch what happens!
In the meantime, here is my question for you:
What really bugs you? Why? Why is that importnat to you? What limiting belief are you holding on to that is preventing you from achieving massive success?
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