Saturday, October 08, 2005

Is Patience Really a Virtue?

They say patience is a virtue, but then I've heard that "they" are the biggest liars of all.

I'm not a fan of patience, and my husband is even less tolerant of waiting. When we don't get what we want when we want it, it could get pretty ugly. Seriously, you don't want to mess with us. Haha, no it's not that bad but we are pretty persistent.

I'm thinking about this todya, because today we moved into our new home in Colorado. For those of you who are just joining us, I'll update you in that I am born and raised in New Orleans, adn thanks to hurricane KAtrina, I am done with teh south, for good. So here I am with my family in our new house in beautiful COlorado.

Isn't it funny that just two months ago, I was happily packing for a business trip, delightfully unaware that what I packed would be all I'd have for hte next 6 weeks, and if not for a massive stroke of good fortune (and excellent choices on my part), it would be all I would have to my name if HurrKat (that's what I call her) had wiped out my Metiaire home? I find that mildly interesting, how about you?

The past two months have been crazy, hectic, chaotic and stressful, to say the least. Yes, I am fortunate that I had only minor damage adn I now have my house for sale. I am in a position not to have to take a loss on the sale of the house, either, which is a great thing.

This day, this moving-in celebration of a day, has been a long time coming, adn I am so relieved that it's here. In fact, I'm so relieved that I'm not even stressing over how much stuff I have to unpack or the fact that I can't find my bedlinens or pillows. WHO CARES? I am so relieved to finally, after 2 months of living in other people's homes and state-hopping around the country, I finally have a permanent place to hang my hat. I breathe a sigh of relief as I write this tonight.

So you might be thinking that my point is that it pays to have patience. But I couldn't disagree more.

Patience sucks.

I mean, there are some certain occasions when patience is a good thing...otherwise, we'd all have jumped into bed with the first person that paid us a compliment when we were 15. Which is not necessarily a good thing, but let's not open that can of worms, shall we?

I think that a lot of people mistake submissiveness for patience.

I say, if you know what you want, go get it.

Now, I'm not talkigna bout being rude or breaking laws or doing anything immoral, mind you...I'm talking about gentle persistence to get whta you want.

How else do you think I got ALL my home repairs done in the 8 days that we were home in New Orleans. Rememnber, this is acity that has virtually been wiped out by HurrKat, plus people are still away from their evacuation, plus everyoen is hiring and labor is scarce, plus every contractor in town is super-busy, plus there are less contractors in town, plus materials are hard to come by, and I could go on and on. Despite all that, I managed to get all repairs made and be able to list my home for sale on the market. It's more of the Law of Attraction.

But it's also the fact that I refused to be "too" patient. I would not be passive. When someone tells me "that's not possible" it only makes me more determined to prove them wrong. This is a key component of success.

If you can learn to be a silent giant, to calmly and quietly persist without passively submitting adn waiting, you can truly achieve anything you want in life.

But do you have what it takes?

You have to be thick-skinned. You have to be able to remain calm in the face of opposition and challenges. You have to remember to ask for a supervisor when you're not getting anywhere. You have to be willing to compromise a little to get what you want--you may pay a little more, wait a little longer or somehow endure a minor inconveneicne in order to get whta you want. Of course, that assumes that you actually know what you want. But that's a topic for another day.

So my questoin for you is this (and I know that those of you without patience have alreayd skipped ahead to this part):

Are you passionate enough about what you want to calmly persist until you get it?

P.S. Speaking of patience, I know you are wondering when that product I told you about will be available. I've got my copywriting and webdesigner finishing the final pages now, so it won't be long now! Sign up for my Success Secrets Revealed mailing list, and you'll be the first to know when it's avaialble.


At 9:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Amy! So glad to hear you are in your new home. Enjoy the process of getting settled in! And I agree with you, having patience sucks - there's a fine line at times when to know when to wait and when to push through. I'm in it right now, as a matter of fact & waiting just isn't an option. It's making me mad and causing me to channel the anger into positive action. Have a great day, and once again, Congrats to you! ~Susan Jones in OK


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