Don'tcha Just LOVE Birthdays?
I don't know about you, but I really LOVE birthdays. I love mine, yours, everyone's! What a fun time and a great excuse to celebrate.
Have you ever thought about WHY we celebrate a birthday? (OK, Jehovah's Witnesses need not post comments, I know you don't "do" the birthday thing, but you can tune me out today and tune back in tomorrow).
Celebrating someone's birthday is like saying "I'm soooooooo glad that YOU were born!" How cool is that?
And it doesn't take much at all to celebrate someone in that way. A simple card (handmade ones are nice too), a phone call or a visit can certainly serve its purpose. Of course, no one's going to throw you out for sending a huge bouquet of flowers or a nice gift! But simply acknowledging that you are glad this person is alive is a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday. (Please note, SPOUSES should completely disregard that last sentence with regard to your spouse's birthday!)
Remember that you don't have to wait for someone's birthday to roll around in order to shower them with appreciation. You don't even have to wait for a hallmark-invented holiday like mother's day or valentine's day to do that. Every day can be a celebration of life and a day to appreciate the people in your life whom you love and cherish.
Yes, I admit that I am sounding a bit mushier than usual today (after all, it's MY birthday). But on our own birthday we tend to think about where we are in our lives and where we were a year ago. And I like to think about where I will be a year from now.
Life is good, isn't it?
Here's your qeustion of the day:
Who deserves to know that you love and appreciate them today? How do you plan to show it today? Go for it!
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