Friday, November 25, 2005

When Would YOU Give Up?

Have you ever set your sights on something that you wanted very badly, and then worked toward it, only to hit a dead end?

You're not alone.

But what did you do when you hit that dead end?

Did you give up?
Did you ask for help?
Did you change your goal?
Did you retrace your steps, looking for another alternative?
What did you do?

The way you handle setbacks and challenges is CRITICAL to your success factor.

If you're like most people, you quit when the first major challenge arises. After all, you "gave it a good try." You put forth a lot of effort. You surmounted some small challenges, until you hit this big one. But you may have quit 3 feel from the finish line.

Unfortunately, success does not tell us how far away our finish line is. All we can see is where we are now, and where we want to be. If we've set appropriate goals, We know where we want to be, but we don't know how long or how far it is from here to there.

When would you quit if you knew you couldn't fail?

Because the reality of it is, as long as you persist without exception (as Mark Joyner says, "Hit it...until you hit it") you can not fail. You CANNOT fail.

The main reason most people fail -- at anything -- is because they quit too soon. Put another way, they quit. Period.

This is why I stress the importance of knowing what drives you. That goal must be strong enough to overcome ANY obstacle in your path. If your goal is lukewarm, you'll give up as soon as the first major challenge crops up, because you have nothing to push you through that brick wall. The stakes aren't high enough, so you can walk away unscathed.

Of course, this is the whole reason some people set weak goals. Hey, if you don't get attached to your goal, it's easy to walk away from it at any point if things get tough.

But we all know that anything worth doing -- worth achieving -- becomes an even sweeter accomplishment when we've had to overcome some challenges to get it.

So my question for you today is this:
What do you want? What do you really, really want? As Randy Gage says, what would you crawl naked over broken glass to get?

Now that's passion. Set a goal like THAT and all you gotta do is take action and persist without exception to get it. Promise.


At 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're blog is just what I need! Keep it up!

At 2:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're blog is just what I need!


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