Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Not-So-Vicious Circle

You've heard the expression "What goes around, comes around" right? Of course, everybody's heard that one. You've probably even used it yourself a time or two. Even people who roll their eyes at the word "karma" use that old axiom.

It's true you know, and if you can keep it in mind, it can really reframe your day.

For example, if you're faced with a decision--any kind of decision--and you rememebr that what goes around comes around, you can more easily find an answer to the problem. You'll remember to take the high road, because that's what you want to come back to you.

Let's say for example that something "bad" happens to you. Instead of getting mad at another person, you can remember that what goes around comes around and whatever they did to you will come back to them in spades.

For example, let's say that someone started an internet company. This company became very successful, and they invited other people to share in the wealth. They created an affiliate program, and some people in the program were actually making money. Everybody wins, right? So good stuff is going around, which means good stuff will come around.

Now let's say the person who started this company had a change of heart, for whatever reason. Maybe they got greedy. Maybe they wanted more money to start another company and make even more money. Maybe they don't know how to live within their means, and got themselves in a financial pickle. Whatever their motive, they are in a bind now, so they look for a "reason" to stop paying commissions to their affiliates.

On the surface, it might seem like they came out ahead, right? After all, they don't have to pay commissions to their affiliates. They can always start a new program, get new affiliates, and no one is the wiser, right? More money in the boss' pocket, right?

No way. Not for long.

Because they are doing 2 things:

1 - stopping the flow of money by refusing to pay what they rightfully owe, and
2 - treating other people disrespectfully

The old goes-around, comes-around law is just that - A LAW. It cannot be broken. What you send out comes back to you, always, forever, period, end of story.

That so-called "successful" entrepreneur will soon find himself in dire financial straights again. They'll also find that they seem to be treated unfairly by other people or find themselves getting "screwed" at every turn. Of course - that's what they sent out! And until they can send out good, they cannot receive good in a lasting manner.

So the next time someone "wrongs" you, first take a look inside to see who you may have wronged. Remember to watch what YOU are sending out, so that you get back more of what you want. And keep in mind that whatever that person did to you will come back to bite them in the butt.

Always. It's a law.

HEre's your question of the day:
What are YOU putting out today and is it what you want to come back to you or not?


At 2:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put out all my best wishes to you.
And you are probaly right. U. B.


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