The Power of Choice
Successful people know the power of their own choices. I recently saw a quote that said "The choices you make will dictate the life you live." Powerful stuff.
There is not a doubt in my mind that my choice to pack up my family and move to Colorado is absolutely, unequivocally the best choice for me at this time, in this place.
New Orleans is still a wreck.
And if you thought the attitude and work ethic was bad pre-Katrina, you should really see it now. $10 an hour plus $125 a week bonus to work at McDonald's adn you STILL get attitude and crappy service.
YEah, it's going to be a long, LONG, L O N G time before this city gets back on its feet. God bless those who choose to stick around. I know I'm better suited to the environment, the weather, adn the good people of Colorado.
And something I didn't expect has happened this week. I got terribly, horribly homesick this week. For Colorado. YEah, that is definitely what I call "home" now.
And I'm looking forward to returning home with a decided heart that this was certainly the best possible choice for me and my family.
So whatever you choose, know that you have the power to choose and may you live long and prosper with the result of your choices.
HEre's your question:
Are you able to rest easy with the choices you've made in your life that have carried you to this point? What choices do you need to forgive yourself for making? Remember that at any given moment, you did the best you could with the information and resources that you had at the time.
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