Monday, January 30, 2006

An Influx of Money

Have you ever noticed that when you work on yourself, everything else just seems to get better and better? I've once heard it put "Life gets better when you get better." Frankly, I could't agree more.

I also think it's interesting that when money comes, it often comes in massive amounts immediately following a major breakthrough. Have you noticed that too? If not, you probably deserve to have a major breakthrough!

It makes sense if you think about it logically. If we are made up entirely of energy, and our outer reality is a manifestation of what's going on inside, then it naturally would follow that once a significant energy block is removed, the law of attraction can freely manifest the desired result.

Put another way,

it's much easier to speed down the roadway once you've flattened all the speed bumps.

So how does one create an influx of money? Remove the blocks. And how does one do that?

Well, I'll be honest with you. It takes some work. There are a number of techniques that are powerfully effective, so long as you actually implement them. Here is one that I've used wtih my coaching clients:

Take a particular area of your life that you've been struggling with - doesn't even have to be money. Could be your weight, a relationship, sex, whatever. Any area where you've consistently had results that you're not satisfied with, and nothing you do seems to help.

Now get a brand new notebook and a pen.

Write down every single thing you can remember about that topic since the day you were born.

For example, if you've been struggling with money, you may remmeber being a small child and asking for a toy that you really wanted and being told that the family couldn't afford it. Or it was too expensive. Or you didn't really need that. Or money doesn't grow on trees. Or your parents aren't made of money. Or wait until you're old enough to get a job and buy it yourself, or a million other things. Then when you started school, you resented the rich kids because they had money and nice clothes and your family couldn't afford the same stuff. Just dump all that crap onto paper and don't stop writing until there's nothing left. This may be something you come back to and continue adding to over several days.

You cannot imagine the insight and great release that comes with this simple (although hand-cramping) exercise. It's quite freeing.

AND, as a bonus, you have removed a block. Which means you can finally allow money (or whatever you see as lacking: health, romance, intimacy, wisdom, power, abundance, peace) into your life.

The results will astound you. I invite you to share your results with us (contact info is provided in my profile or on this website. I won't list my email here because of the cursed spammers!!!)

Your QoD is this:
Where in your life do you deserve to have breakthrough results? On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to achieving those results? If you rated your commitment as anything less than a 10, why? What are the real blocks that are holding you back?


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