Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I've Been Thinking...Have You?

Have you given any thought to my earlier suggestion? You know, the one about having all the time you need to do everything you want to do.

I've been thinking about it pretty much non-stop since I mentioned it to you.

And I've noticed some extraordinary things as a result. For starters, I am catching myself when I say things that indicate my belief in a lack of time. I am even beginning to catch myself when I have thoughts such as these, before the words are even forming in my mouth. Now that's progress!

As a result, I am much more relaxed, and I am truly beginning to believe I have all the time I need. Of course, I'm no longer wasting time either. No more aimless internet surfing which I used to label "research time." No more sitting with my daughter while she watches Veggie Tales for the umpteenth time. No more yakking on the phone unless it's a productive conversation (for me and the other person). Yeah, I am definitely using my time more wisely.

Thanks to these advancements, we are in fact finding ourselves with a little extra time on our hands. So we're heading to the mountains in the morning for a mini ski holiday. Just catching the end of season snow before it's time for more springlike activities like hiking and biking.

But I couldn't leave you without a question of hte day:
How is your language shaping your reality? What words or phrases do you use repeatedly (positive or otherwise) and what results in your life do you see as a direct result of that? Are you aware that your subconscious cannot take a joke, and it must process what it receives literally? What are YOU feeding your mind?


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