Thursday, May 18, 2006

Waiting on God?

It bugs me when people are content to sit in their circumstances, not-so-silently suffering and playing the martyr role.

My personal un-favorite is when I ask them what they intend to do about their situation, and they respond with "Well, I've been praying about it, so now I'm just waiting on God."


I typically respond with: "Did it ever occur to you that maybe God is waiting on YOU to make the first move?"

That usually leaves them speechless.

At least until they can launch into their laundry list of reasons why they have no choice in the matter and no real options.

Yikes. Victim mentality.

Do you know people like this? If you do, I suggest you stay as far away from them as possible. They will leech your energy adn suck you dry of your dreams.

Seriously, I mean it. You can't "save" people like this because they flat-out don't want to be saved.

Shake 'em off and keep focused on your dreams.

See, miracles happen for people who get committed to something adn take the first step - no matter how small or how shaky. Miracles. I'm not exaggerating here.

I've been out of town this week - flew to Austin to surprise my sister (which is why I didn't mention it earlier) then I flew to New Orleans for one night to see my parents, and now I'm in Houston for the evening.

Tomorrow I'm headed to Austin to miracle central: Joe Vitale's Manifestation Retreat.

I have a feeling I won't meet any victims there...

In the meantime, here is your QoD:

Do you have someone in your life who loves to play the victim card? Do you agree with them or do you challenge them? Which would be more beneficial to them? How about to you?

Think about it....


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