Sunday, May 14, 2006

To The Successful Moms...

Today is Mother's Day - a day to celebrate motherhood. The concept of motherhood has certainly evolved over time...from a sweet, gentle and nurturing stereotype to a virtual powerhouse of busy-ness.

Today moms are pulled in many directions as children, marriage, career, sanity and more all compete for time and energy.

This post is dedicated to the moms who've "got it together."

To the moms who find innovative ways to sustain the household budget without spending too many hours at the office and missing the "good stuff" at home.

To the moms who remember to take care of one can share from an empty cup.

To the moms who exercise extreme patience, and remember that most of the stresses of "ordinary" people are just illusions.

To the moms who know there are many ways to nurture a family, not the least of which is cooking nightly. There are also many ways to provide nourishment other than nightly home-cooked meals.

To the moms who can remember what it must be like to be two or three years old...or fourteen...or twenty-two -- exploring, discovering and generally getting into trouble without intending to do so. These moms can be particularly understanding and gentle in their correction, wtihout completely "losing it" with their kids.

To the moms who go the extra mile -- not out of guilt, duty, peer pressure or competitiveness among supermoms -- but out of pure love for their families.

To the moms who know there is a better way...and are committed to finding it. These moms understand the importance of leading by example.

This dedication is not only to those rare mothers who exercise all these traits regularly, but also (especially, perhaps) to those moms who know this is a more peaceful and loving way to live, adn they strive to practice all of the above, every day.

You are successful, dear mothers. You have your priorities straight and you try to align your actions accordingly. You are a blessing.

Happy mother's day.

QoD: Have you called YOUR mother yet? Even if your own mother doesn't exhibit any of the traits we mention here, surely you can find something to thank her for today. If nothing else, she gave you life, and that is worth your gratitude. Go call her !


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