Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Truth about Bill Hibbler

Do you know who Bill Hibbler is?

If not, I'd be surprised.

The guy has published a ridiculous amount of stuff on the Internet. In fact, he's one of the few people I know with an "ordinary" name who commands LOADS of relevant results when you google his name. Go ahead, try it yourself.

Bill has done a ton of stuff -- and most recently, published a "real" (as in, Barnes and Noble) book called Meet and Grow Rich. Bill may be best known for the Rudl Report, his first online claim to fame, where he reviews all of the late Cory Rudl's products.

If you bought Pat O'Bryan's Un-Seminar 1 DVD set, you've seen Bill present. You've also heard his fascinating history about how he got started as an entrepreneur (at the age of 17, or something crazy like that), selling premium guitars to bands like Led Zepplin and Cream.

But all that stuff doesn't tell you much about what the guy is REALLY like.

I'm about to tell you THAT now.

At the most recent Joe Vitale weekend (the "Zero Limits Retreat" wtih Dr. Haleakela Hew Len), I got to spend quite a bit of time hanging out with Bill Hibbler.

Three "G" words come to mind when I think about what Bill is really like:


Gracious? Heavens, yes. For whatever reason, I didn't get to actually meet him until about halfway through the weekend. When I finally did, I introduced myself and he says to me, "Ah yes! I've heard so much about you!"

In case you don't know, I'm fairly new to the internet marketing scene. Granted, I've created some phenomenal results during that short time, and I've had a fair bit of experience in the world of coaching and entrepreneurship, but not nearly the amount this guy has. Bill's certainly been around the block, and I thought it was quite gracious of him to act as though it was an honor for HIM to meet ME.

Then, I set the intention of sitting with Bill at dinner, so I could pick his brain about a particular issue. In case you don't know, Bill is an expert on online automation, and that's exactly what I wanted to talk to him about.

Naturally (since the intention was set, and I wasn't attached -- I figured if I didn't catch him at dinner, I'd catch him on another break), I arrived at dinner to find an open chair next to guess who? Yep, Bill Hibbler.

Again, Bill proved quite gracious (and generous) in supplying me with a wealth of information that I'm quite sure he could have charged me a hefty consulting fee for. I was most appreciative, and I got exactly what I required.

His generosity continued as the conversation went fact, he agreed to take a look at 2 of my products-in-the-works, and to consider a JV with me.

Bill's generosity didn't stop there -- my husband (who also attended the event) was admiring Bill's lighter, and Bill offered to send one to Andy as a gift. Was he just blowing smoke (no pun intended)? Nope, the lighter arrived in today's mail. Now that's what I can generosity. You would think Bill would be the one receiving gifts -- not sending them. I'm telling you, you gotta love the guy.

But what's so lovable about him is by far the fact that the guy is so genuine.

You can't help but get a sense of it, even if you only talk to him for a couple of minutes (but of course, I talked to him for a lot more than that! LOL)

In fact, we got to talking on a more personal level (another indication of graciousness -- most people in his position, in his industry are quite a bit more reserved) and I just can't say enough about what a warm, passionate, committed and talented person Bill Hibbler is.

If you want to get your hands on some outstanding resources and excellent FREE information about internet marketing, you definitely deserve to check out Bill's website.

Oh, and if you are in a mastermind, would like to be in a mastermind, or have ever considered being in a mastermind, go grab a copy of his book Meet and Grow Rich (better yet, grab a copy for everyone in your mastermind -- present and future). I've read it and it's definitely a must-have.

And that's the truth about Bill Hibbler.

(at least, as far as I see it)

QoD: Are you getting out there and meeting prominent people in your industry? If not, what is holding you back?

Stop procrastinating and just go for it. Some of these people just might surprise you...


At 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insights.
What did you of the overall Zero Limits retreat?

Dr Joe Vitale did the Foreword to my book "The Titus Concept Money For My Best and Highest Good" and Dr Hew Len also endorsed it.

They are both great individuals!
I believe their new book together is going to be an awesome book!!

Al Diaz

At 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Al
I absolutely adored the Zero Limits weekend. Joe is talking about doing another one with Dr. Len in September or October -- I highly recommend it!


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