Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness?
This past weekend, I had the distinct pleasure of spending a few days in Austin at Dr. Joe Vitale's Zero Limits Retreat.
Whew. My mind is still reeling.
Have you heard about this ho'oponopono thing that's sweeping the planet? It's funny -- this practice has been around for generations in Hawaii, and suddenly the "right" person finds out about it and now it's making its way across the Internet, reaching people who never knew it existed.
In a nutshell, ho'oponopono is this:
Total and complete personal responsibility, for everything. I'm talking about the good, the bad, the ugly, and things you've never even seen or heard about.
How does one take responsibility? Simple. You "clean" by practicing LOVE. Simply and succinctly put, people who practice ho'oponopono (who, by the way, can't necessarily pronounce it) are repeatedly thinking "I love you. I'm sorry. Thank you."
Yep, that's it.
The idea is that by "cleaning" or focusing only on love, you are connecting with the Divine (or Source, or God, or whatever terminology you prefer for the Higher Self).
Sound wacko?
Maybe. But I say don't knock it until you try it.
All I know is, business was going OK and then I spent the whole weekend practicing ho'oponopono wiht a Hawaiian shaman, and with a bunch of other people who were doing the same thing. Since I left that weekend, my business has about tripled.
All I'm doing is practicing love.
I had an interesting expeirence today -- I sent out an email to my friends and subscribers. I practiced loving while I wrote the email, and while I sent it out. Next thing I knew, I started to get a few unsubscribe notices.
This doesn't rattle me like it used to -- I figure people either "get" me, or they don't. And if they don't "get" me, they don't need to be beaten over the head with emails from me.
But something interesting happened.
I'm in and out of my shopping cart today, because of some emails and broadcast messages I'm sending to the participants in my new comprehensive Wealth Mindset course that starts tomorrow. Tonight, when I was in the shopping cart, I noticed that the number of subscribers on my list was much higher than the last time I looked.
In other words, for every person who decided to opt-out today, I got 3 or 4 new people who signed up.
Interesting how that happened, eh?
But I'm not practicing love, or practicing ho'oponopono to try to change anything. I'm only loving for the sake of love. And then whatever happens, happens.
It's like that "detachment" thing everyone is always talking about. Fascinating.
And even though I'm not trying to have it pay off, it's most certainly paying off. In spades.
Would I attend another Joe Vitale event? In a heartbeat. The man is pure heart and anyone who tells you otherwise has clearly never met him in person. You just can't fake that kind of authenticity.
Later this week, I'll post some pix and share "the truth about Bill Hibbler" -- another internet marketer I had the chance to "hang" with this weekend.
BTW, if you're wondering if I'll be practicing ho'oponopono during my Road Trip to Riches course, you'd better believe it. This is some powerful stuff!
QoD: What part of your life could stand a bit more love? Are you ready to infuse love into that part of your life? If not, what is holding you back?
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