Let It Go, Let It Flow, Let It Snow
We're in the middle of (another) blizzard here in Castle Rock.
I started to post during the last one, but I got sidetracked. It's amazing how distracting it can be to do absolutely nothing. We were unable to get plowed out of our house for a couple of days, so we just kind of hibernated for a bit. Sure, we had power, phones and internet, but I didn't really feel inspired to work.
And now we're battening down the hatches again -- another storm is moving through. It's interesting, because apparently this is quite unusual weather for Castle Rock. I'm told the last blzizard we had (last week) was one of the top 5 worst in recorded history in this area. Interesting!
Still doesn't compare to Hurricane Katrina, though. Blizzard, schmizzard. At least in this weather, I'm safe and sound in my own home, and safer here than anywhere else. Bring it, Mother Nature, bring it. I ain't scared.
This time around, I'm in a slightly different space about it all. We made sure we got out and had some fun yesterday, and yesterday we ran errands all day long, since we may be cooped up for awhile. Also got me some brand new shiny snow boots from Bass. When the storm lets up, I think I'll be back to buy another pair of dressy snow boots (hey, when you live in Colorado, you gotta have play boots, dress boots, and casual boots for snow, and then all of the above for non-snow!)
I'm also feeling more like working this time around too. I suppose the novelty of "surviving" a blizzard has worn off. Plus, I got stuff to do to prepare for my piece de resistence: the Road Trip to Riches.
The class is filling up, and Karrie and I are quite excited about it. We shipped out the first batch of supplemental material to participants, and I'm looking forward to hearing some stellar feedback on the starter kit.
Also, marketing guru Kathleen Gage is going to interview me next week -- that should definitely be fun. She's inviting her group, I'll check in and see if I can let you into the loop. If you're subscribed to my "Success Secrets Revealed" newsletter, you'll surely be among the first to know about it.
Now it's time to crack open a bottle of Gewertzeminer (I'm quite sure I've misspelled that!) that my hubby's quite excited about. We rented some DVDs and we're gonna enjoy some quiet time while both girls are sleeping.
But I haven't forgotten about you, dear friend. Here is your QoD today:
Despite the fact that massive action is required to achieve massive resutls, it's normal to have "slack" periods from time to time, and everyone deserves a break now and then. When this happens to you, do you beat yourself up, feel guilty, or let the slack time drag on too long (which means you wind up losing momentum)? You can make a decision right now that you will enjoy your slack time, and be disciplined enough to get back to work when the time is appoprirate. Why not start today?
Go for it!
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