Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back in Action (MASSIVE Action)

Did you miss me?

I have a confession to make. It isn't my newborn that's kept me from posting for nearly 2 weeks. It's somehting else entirely, something I couldn't put my finger on until today, during a conversation wtih my good friend Karrie King.

If you don't have a copy of Bob Scheinfeld's book "Busting Loose from the Money Game" I can only assume that you've either never heard of it, or you are completely in love with every single aspect of your life and manifesting your every whim at lightning speed. Oh, that's not the case? Then rush out to your nearest Barnes and Noble and pick up your copy, I mean like NOW. And if it's 2AM and your store is closed, then hit Amazon.com and snag a copy.

Yeah, it's that remarkable. Earth-shattering. Mind-blowing. Frickin' unreal. (literally).

Anyhoo, Karrie and I have been playing this Phase II game that Bob talks about and I am not kidding you, it will shake the very core of your most solid beliefs.

For starters, according to Bob, everything is an illusion. Everything. Even this blog, your computer, the chair you're sitting in, and YOU.

I can't go into details (let's just say that would be a whole SEPARATE blog!) but just assume for a minute that it's true. That everything -- EVERYTHING -- you experience is an illusion.

Well, I tried that on and sat with it awhile. And you know what happened? I found myself in complete apathy about anything even remotely related to my business.

I thought, "if none of this is real, what's the point? Why keep playing the charade?"

So I haven't blogged. I didn't even send out a newsletter until yesterday. And I haven't felt the slightest bit motivated to DO much of anything on my computer. Which is totally unlike me!

So what shifted? I'm sooooo glad you asked.

During a conversation wtih Karrie, I "got" that although I'm exploring phase II (where we recognize that everything is an illusion created by us, adn we appreciate the vast power we must possess to have made it seem so real) I am still PLAYING this phase I game.

In other words, I know a video game isn't real, but I still want to finish the game! I would never walk away in the middle of a game -- because I WANT to keep playing. I CHOOSE to keep playing!

So I'm playing THIS game we call life, baby! And I'm not walking out on it.

Miraculous. One conversation and suddenly, apathy disappears and is immediately replaced by enthusiasm and inspiration.

After one conversation, sadness and futility are GONE and instantly replaced by JOY, excitement and possibility.

Ah yes, life truly is good. And getting better.

I realize this posting may make no sense whatsoever to someone who isn't in my head (or who hasn't at least read Bob's book). But that;s OK.

It's my game, and I'll play it how I want to play it, thank you. And you are free to do the same with YOUR game of life.

Isn't life grand?

Your QoD: What would shift for you if you viewed life as a game instead of a sentence, a chore, or an experience? What would you do differently?

Great, now go do it!


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