Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ahoy, Money!

My buddy Craig Perrine asked me to forward this to you today...believe it or not, I came up with the title for this book during a brainstorming session with Craig.

The Great Money Paradox Revealed...

Money is the number one cause of stress in America... the wealthiest country in the world.

Most people worry about it. No matter how much they have, they are slaves to it.

But the wisest and wealthiest people in history have always known the secret is to learn how let it serve YOU.

The good news is that you don't have to figure it out by yourself, OR shell out hundreds or thousands for a pro to do it for you.

Now you can get a money master with decades of proven experience to help you every step of the way... all for less than a pizza dinner.

That's because today you can get a copy of Paul Lemon's much anticipated new book, Ahoy, Money!

Paul has helped clients for over 30 years and he's one of a handful of people who understand the spiritual connection between money and your life's purpose.

No matter how much you make (or how little), Paul's book will guide you step by step.

Get it today and receive over 20 bonuses... including an hour recorded webinar with Paul showing you exactly what to do (a $97 value).

Get the whole story at --


With Paul's help you'll discover that financial worries are a lot like being afraid of the dark.

When you turn the light on, you'll see there is nothing to be afraid of and the fear will no longer have any power over you.

It doesn't matter what your situation is today, you can have peace of mind and a solid plan
from now on.

There's never been a book like this that literally reveals the path to where you want to go from a material AND spiritual perspective.

Get the book today and get the help you need.

Remember, many of the bonuses are only available today.

Get the whole story at --


Craig Perrine


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