Master Cleanse, Day 5
First off, let me say I am not here to convince you of anything (except the fact that you CAN be-do-have it ALL. That's a given with me.) so don't go thinking ol' Amy has gone off the deep end with this one, OK?
I am currently on day 5 of the Master Cleanse. I have to say, I feel pretty good. By far, this is the longest I've ever gone without solid food (including that Christmas when I had a stomach bug, and had to sit around and watch my entire family eat my mom's killer lasagna, while I sipped plain broth. Then I went to a wedding the next night and ate a piece of dry bread. Those 3 days seemed to last an eternity!)
Here's a little self-interview, in case you have any interest whatsoever in a cleanse:
Why a cleanse?
Because I figure this is the only way to break my sugar addiction. I can't see the mental blocks I have around it yet, so I figure I'll start with the physical realm and clear whatever becomes apparent to me. And because some muscle testing revealed (while I was pregnant, and could essentially do nothing) that I have a few toxic organs (although I hate to name names, Mr. Liver), and I want to get all that crap cleaned up and out.
Why the Master Cleanse?
Because apparently I'm a sadist. Ha! No, seriously -- because I know some people who've done it and I'm intrigued by the mental and spiritual clarity that is supposed to arrive around day 8. I'll keep you posted on that. And I like extreme stuff, and I have immense will-power, as long as it's for a defined period of time (say, 10 days vs. the rest of my life).
Why now?
Why not? I mean hey, if not now, when? I first heard about it while I was pregnant, and then I was nursing, so now I have no more excuses. Also, my feet have been in really bad shape lately, and I asked for an answer RE: how I could properly take care of my feet, and this is what showed up. Go figure.
How's it going so far?
Knowing all the potential benefits of detox, I didn't specifically set out to lose weight (although I was hopeful) but I've already dissolved 7.4 lbs. I feel good (although I must say I really do not like the saltwater flush! so I am glad when that ordeal is over each morning) and I can see an increase in my energy level. My feet and ankles are no longer swollen, and I'm standing up straighter (better posture from detox? true for me, as strange as it may sound). My skin is also softening and is less dry than when I started. And I don't spend nearly as much time thinking about how I look, but when I look in the mirror, I look much better. It's all very strange, but very cool.
How long will you stick with it?
I am committed to completing the 10-day fast and breaking the fast properly (which actually takes about 2-3 days) but on day 9 I will decide whether or not to extend it longer. It also depends on whether or not my tongue turns pink, which I suspect makes no sense to you unless you've studied or completed the Master Cleanse.
Anything we can do to help?
Yep, if you've done the cleanse before, go ahead and post your comments/fabulous results/words of encouragement here on this blog. You know I love hearing from ya!
How much attention do you pay to what goes into your mouth each day? Do you treat your body like a sacred space? If no, why not?
(if you answered "no" to that second one, don't beat yourself up about it. I didn't either, until now. I'm gaining a whole new respect for my body, and I'm finally starting to "get" this whole "my body is a temple" thing)
Go for it!
I have been on the master cleanse before and managed to get to day 8. It is true there is a sense of well being. I am trying again for different reasons and this time have managed to get to day 4. I have noticed this time that my energy level is higher. I don't have a desire for food once I drink my cleanse and that is a great feeling. I also notice that I sleep better at night. All of this after 4-days. I am really expecting a alot more results this time around and look forward to being able to share more of my results.
I do plan however, to stay on the cleanse for a little longer than 10 days. Will let you know if I succeed.
Good luck to all those who want to try and are actually doing it.
Well I just dicovered that I'm pregnant after day 3. I'm wondering if i can keep going until day 10? HELP!
hmmmm, I don't think I would continue if I were pregnant. But I'm no doctor, so I would probably check with your OB (or check in with your body and the baby!)
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