Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Clarification of the License Plate Success Formula

OK, just to be clear--I didn't invent this Be-Do-Have principle. I may well have been the first person to put it on a license plate, but it's not like I made it up.

What I have done is I've put this principle into action in my life and had extraordinary results--personally, professionally and financially. In other words, I know it works.

Who invented the BE-DO-HAVE success formula? Good question.

The ancient philosophers batted it's evident throughout the Bible...Napolean Hill talks about it in his famous "Think and Grow Rich" book. I don't know that anyone "invented" it per say, it's more of a discovery than an invention.

Put simply, it's the way the Universe works.

We have 2 choices:

1. We can ignore this basic Truth and continue to struggle and wonder why we can't seem to catch a break.
2. We can apply this principle in our lives and reap the rewards.

Which will you choose today?


At 6:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I choose to BE, so much easier than struggle actually. Being a parent it is so easy to fall into the trap of "reacting". I continue to BE the person I want to be at all moments in my life.

I also have the good fortune of having an amazing wife who calls me on my crap when I am not BEing, so simple.

At 1:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the BEDOHAVE plate on my car. I have not answered the question as adequately as you, but it does get more questions than answers than I have. Thanks for your insite.


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