Blame It On The Rain? (and Wind, and Floods, and Looting...)
Today we're going to go in an entirely different direction. I'm going to blog about a topic I have never written about before: my weight.
I've put on a few pounds since we left home on August 19th.
Now I know what you're thinking. "That's understandable, look at all you're going through. A hurricane just drowned your city. A couple of pounds is nothing major. If it's how you're dealing with stress, that's OK in the short-term. It's normal to respond to stress that way. Don't worry about it."
But I'm no longer willing to accept that way of thinking.
In fact, THAT is the same kind of thinking that got me overweight in the first place.
I'm not helping anyone by "taking a break" from my fitness routine. Even though right now, I have no routine. We've literally been house-hopping for almost three weeks. Doesn't sound too bad until you consider we've got a 19-month old with us. I've been concerned about the strain this puts on her as well.
Tomorrow we're headed to a place where we can "move in" for 30 days, so it's time to establish a new routine. Children thrive on routine and order, with room for spontaneity and fun and guess what? So do adults!
Since we have no plan for where we'll live (since New Orleans is not an option for at least 1-2 years) a new routine will provide me with the order I require to quiet my brain enough to put together a plan.
Planning during chaos is pointless (and potentially harmful).
On t he other hand, planning during order is brilliant.
Think about it - when do you make your best decisions? When you're stressed, chaotic and frazzled, or when you're relaxed, calm and rational? Got to get centered to make the right moves ("move" pun not intended).
That's my plan.
For me, part of an established routine includes exercise. Sure, taking my daughter for a stroll or a swim is fun and burns a few calories, but I benefit far more from intense focused exercise, away from the house, away from teh family. Just me and my body and how hard I can push it.
Check out this article I just posted about exercise to manage stress.
I think I've only worked out twice since we left town 3 weeks ago (or whenever it was). I haven't really made a valiant attempt becaue things were so crazy anyway. But going back to a daily workout is something taht would help me :
+ establish a routine
+ take time for me
+ feel better about myself
+ release some stress
+ and so much more.
Plus it puts at least part of my day on a schedule, which is importnat to me.
I've been caring for my daughter in strange and ever-changing environments, attempting to cook, clean or otherwise help out at places where we've been staying, being supportive of my husband as he continues to put hours into our business each day, fulfilling my commitment to blog every day, continuing to build the New Success website, trying to contact friends and loved ones from New ORleans and forwarding any helpful information I receive, wondeirng about my cats, my house, my neighbors, my future, etc etc etc...
Now it's my turn.
Starting tomorrow, the house-hopping chaos is over for a stretch, and I deserve to take care of me. (See previous post: Who Nurtures Nurturing Women?) Because I know that I can't share from an empty cup. Bytaking care of myself, I will have more to give. And I can put myself in a frame of mind to make wise choices as I construct my plan for the future.
I am very proud of myself that I have resisted emotional eating for the past couple of weeks, but I can tell by the fit of my clothing that I've put on a couple of pounds. I'm ready to reign it back in and get on track. IT's all part of establishing that order I mentioned earlier in this post.
Today's question is:
What can YOU do for yourself today to help create order in your life?
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