Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Home Sweet Home?

Great progress today - we finally agreed on lease terms and signed the paperwork today for a home to rent in Castle Rock, Colorado. We've decided to rent through the winter to ensure this is teh right place for us (i.e., can we hack the snow) and then we'll start looking for a place to buy in the spring. Not sure about our home yet, but we are going home on Thursday (just in time for Hurricane Rita, which surely can't hit New ORleans. Even God can't be that cruel.)

So as of October 8, we will be nestling into our new Colorado home. It's a fabulous home - 5 bedrooms, a fully finished basement. We're already plotting what will go where in the new house. It's terribly exciting.

What's the last thing you got terribly excited about?

I'm not sure I can recall being terribly excited about anything since the storm hit over three weeks ago. Well, I did get pretty excited when I thought my house was totaled and I was going to rake in a bunch of insurance $$$. But then we realized we probably didn't get that much damage, and we'd be lucky if we didn't have to pay back the $2000 cash advance we got from our insurance comapny. Ah well, life happens.

There is a saying that goes: "Men plan, God laughs." We can attempt to make the best-laid plans, but we can't plan for everything. Like weather. Fortuantely, modern technology gives us enough warning to know when to avoid severe weather (unless we jhust happen to be too stubborn to do so!) but we can't control the weather.

Yes, I know certain existential groups would have us believe that weather is the collective result of a group of people's thinking, but somehow I doubt that the people of New ORleans suddenly changed their mind all at once and caused Hurricane Kartina. I mean, I am all about personal responsibility, but that's just a step beyond what I can reasonably believe.

I've often said that you can't manage time any more than you can manage a sunset, but I'm thinkuing of changing it to say you can't manage time any more than you can manage the weather. Because it's the same concept - just as we must learn to manage ourselves within time, we must also learn to manage ourselves within the anticipated weather.

In other words, if you live in Hurricane Alley, either get out of town when a storm is headed your way....or move. Well, I guess you know which one I picked.

My question to you is this:

Are you wasting time complaining about something you truly can't control? Wouldnt' your time be better spent by finding a way to manage yourself within the situaiton, rather than complaining about how you're stuck in it?


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