Thursday, September 15, 2005

Success and the Mastermind Concept

Do you have a mastermind group?

By that, I mean a group of people you can meet with by phone or in person to bounce ideas, to brainstorm, to "test market" your plans...people who will challenge you instead of answering all your questions with "sure, that sounds good, I guess."

Truth be told, I have several mastermind groups. I'm convinced that a mastermind group is essential for success.

Look at it this way, if you are surrounded by people who think just like you, how many original ideas do you think you'll come up with? How many of those do you think you'll actually try to implement?

If you want to elevate yourself, you've got to elevate your friends. It may sound harsh, but it's a fact. For one example: for most people, your income is the average of your 5 closest friends' incomes. Go ahead, calculate it, I can wait....

See? Told you. But we all know success is about a lot more than just money. Have you noticed that when you have a friend who uses a certain expression a lot, you start to use that expression especially when you spend more time with that particular friend? It's true - we ARE who our friends are. That's why your mother probably warned you to choose your friends carefully.

So my question for you is this:

Are you surrounding yourself with friends who create the best possible environment for your success? If not, how can you change that?


At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


One point that i will like to highlight and help many people. I believe that many people out there have plenty of ideas, and they may have the basic resources to turn their ideas into cash. However would you agree with me that most people are oblivious to the fact that they can put their ideas into action and start making money right now?

Now, if you have a fantastic idea. I can guarrantee you that on another part of the world there will be another person that have the same idea that you have. It’s not whether you have an idea or not, the issue here is how fast you can turn the idea into reality.

One of the most effective treatments is a functioning and powerful MasterMind Group. MasterMind Groups provide fuel that can catapult you into action and keep you in momentum once you’ve gotten going. I view them as a positive version of a cattle prod.

Let’s be honest that most of us do need a PUSH in order to start taking action. When working alone, we can justify why it’s a good idea to put off taking action, but when we have to make those justifications to a group of people who stand for our success and growth, it’s another matter and our blocks and fears are exposed.

Joel Chue
Author of 'Mastermind Secrets' Ebook.

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