New Beginnings at New Success
Looks like we found a new home. It's here in Castle Rock - we've decided to rent through the winter (just to make sure we can handle the cold and snow!) and then look for a place to buy. We're in the process of lising our home (in New Orleans) for sale as well.
It's a strange feeling, and I kind of wonder how long it will take me to get used to it. I mean, I've never lived anywhere except for New Orleans - I was born and raised there, and now here I am, moving all the way across the country.
Times like these kind of make you stop and take stock of your life, you know?
Fortunately, my daughter is too young to remember any of this. Which I actually feel blessed about - at least she isn't asking "when are we going home, mommy?" and "why can't I see my room and sleep in my bed" and "where are my kitties?" She is still perfect - like we are all born perfect - and she knows only the here and now. She is fully living in the present, and is totally adaptable to her sitaution. She can make the best of any situation - find a toy in any small cup, utensil or cabinet. The world is her playground.
When exactly do we outgrow that?
When do we learn that we can't have everything we want. We can't really achieve all our dreams, and we'd better learn to "get real" if we're going to make it "out there in the real world."
What a sad commentary on our world. We tell our children to stop dreaming (or worse yet, we let them dream but deny the opportunity to live our own dreams, knowing full well that kids will do as we do, not as we say) and they eventyally grow up, become old and bitter, get disillusioned and tell their kids whta we told them.
But teh good news is that it doesn't have to be that way.
WE can cahnge right now, with our generation. If we change what we tell our kids - if we change our perspective of what's possible-they really can lead lives better than ours. And hte cycle can continue to improve. Don't use technology as a benchmark because Technology is not the answer -- these kids have way more exposure to computers, cell phones and technological advances far beyond what we experienced in our youth. Yet problems still persist and in some cases continue to get worse.
The answer begins right here, right now, with YOU. With each one of us.
Here's my question for you today:
Are you so committed to building a better future that you are willing to change the way you think and live beginning TODAY?
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