Friday, September 09, 2005

Let's Talk About The G-Word

This morning I woke up in such a different state of mind. Apparently my mental faculties did some mending overnight because I feel like a new woman today. My energy is through the roof this morning, and it shows outwardly.

I know that I will attract amazing things into my life today and every day going forward. Maybe it's because my daughter slept through the night for the first time in several days. Maybe it's because I'm acknowledging all that I'm thankful for. Maybe it's because I have a decent pair of jeans that doesn't make my butt look too fat. Whatever the reason, it's time to talk about the G-word today.

The G-word is GRATITUDE.

Believe it or not, gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we have.

Gratitude is what I'm feeling today. I am thankful that my family is safe. I am grateful that my kitties were rescued and staying with a very nice lady named Jean. I am grateful that people care enough to foster someone else's neurotic cats during a disaster like Hurricane Katrina. I am thankful that Sally is with us, and that she is able to travel with us and meet new kids. I'm grateful that Sally is so young, she won't really miss our old house or be sad that we can't live there anymore. I am thankful to have so many caring friends who are willing to house us for awhile until we can find a new place. I'm grateful to be self-employed and able to work from anywhere. I'm grateful for everyone who reads this blog. I'm grateful to live in America. I could literally go on all day (for several days, probably).

Something interesting happens when you focus on gratitude. Problems seems smaller. Obstacles seem easier to overcome. Everything seems better and brighter.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I'm going to share something personal with you. Do you know the John Denver song "Rocky Mountain High?" Let me refresh your memory on the lyrics:

"He was born in the summer of his twenty-seventh year
Coming home to a place he'd never been before
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
Now he's found the key to every door"

(then it goes on to talk about the Colorado Rocky Mountain high...)

I am feeling a connection with that song as I look out into the gorgeous Colorado sky. Coming here, to this place for hte first time, certainly feels like home to me. And I'm definitely leaving yesterday behind (see yesterday's post).

The sky here is unbelievable. Back home in New Orleans, I didn;t even know this much sky existed. It was blocked out by tall buildings, cramped houses and tall pine trees. Well, at least it used to be. I still can't picture what it must look like now. Not sure I want to, either.

When I look up at this gigantic Colorado blue sky, I am inspired to think of limitless possibilities. This vast expanse looks like my future: bright, sunny and extending as far as I can see.

Now that's something to be grateful for.

So my question for you today is this:

What are the top 20 things you are grateful for today?

For me, even that old John Denver song is on the list.


At 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you you have a great blog! love the graphicsoff plan investment

At 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm so glad to hear that you and Andy are in good spirits. Not even the most devastating storm in the last century can bring you guys down. You guys are awesome. Iv'e been thinking about the G-word myself lately and really have made an effort to master the peace and optimism that this emotion brings into your heart. The result has been astonishing. I am grateful for you and Andy for your example and your leadership. Sincerely, Jess


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