It's All About Perspective
We talk about perspective and perception quite a bit in this blog. However, this optical illusion made me stand up (well, sit back actually) and take notice.
Sure, we've all seen the image that you look at long enough and it changes from an old granny's face to a young girl's profile from behind. Or a rabbit turns into a duck. Or an hourglass turns into two profiles. Or the seemingly meaningless marks end up spelling "Jesus."
It's all been done, right?
Well, this is totally different.

Click on either image above to see both images LARGER.
I have no idea how they did this. When you look at the images up close, the one on the left appears to be an angry man, and the one on the right a happy woman. But when I lean back in my chair (or back a few feet from the screen) the static images appear to change. Check it out!
Oops, I almost forgot your question of the day:
Which situation or relationship in your life right now might look different (or better) if you could "step back" and take a second look?
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