Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Right to Change Your Mind?

Awhile back, I posted an article called "Do You Hate Sundays?" I got an interesting response.

But since then, something has changed and now I love Sundays just as much as any other day. Which of course started me thinking...

What does it mean if you have strongly negative feelings about a certain day of hte week?

After thinking long and hard about this, I determiend that it must mean there is a source of resistance somewhere related to that day.

For example, if you dread Monday mornings, it's probably because you've got resistance to something. Perhaps you don't feel you get enough free time, and you are not ready for the weekend to end. Perhaps you hate your job, and Monday morning means going back to the job you don't want to return to. Maybe you feel stuck in your job, stuck with a bad boss, a crappy salary, a long commute, an icky project, or any other number of unpleasant things. Teh Monday mornings may symbolize return to that which you do not want. So naturally you dread the Monday mornings.

Perhaps you don't get enough sleep during hte week and you use the weekend to "catch up" on your rest. Dreading a weekday means dreading the feeling of being tired all day.

See the resistence there?

Maybe it's not so obvious. Maybe you dread Tuesdays because there's nothing on TV. What does that mean? Well, first it's an opportunity for you to do something other than watch TV, but maybe you don't see it that way. In this case, it may be beneficial to determine what does TV represent to you? Is it your escape, and on Tuesdays you lack that escape? Does it mean you'll have to actually interact with your spouse if there is nothing on TV, and maybe that's a bad thing in your opinion?

Whatever it is, if you are dreading a certain day of hte week or time of day, it's imporant to take a look at WHY you dread it. Find the source of the resistance and you can eliminate the dread, almost instantly.

For example, if you dread Sunday nights because you don't want the weekend to end, plan some free/fun time during hte week. A mid-week date night, meeting a friend for lunch, or making plans after work are all viable options.

If it's Monday mornings that give you the blues, take a good long look at your job. What is it that you like and dislike about it? Make a list of other options you have and start thinking in the solution. You'll be amazed at what a difference this small detail can make.

If it's the "no TV" nite that's got you down, think about what you could do instead of TV on that night, that would actually make you feel good. Got a hobby you've been missing? Want to catch up on your reading? How about calling a friend for a movie or dinner or coffee? You've got an unlimited number of options, if you'll only take a look.

Fortunately, success means you are free to change your mind. Just because you've always hated Monday mornings doesn't mean you can't suddenly find some good in them.

Here's your question:
What day or time of day do you dread adn why? What changes can you implement beginning immediately to remove the dread and find fun in these times?


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