Monday, February 13, 2006

How to Change Your Life (No, Seriously)

Did you know that there is no such thing as "new and improved" ?

Sure, you see that phrase or hear it 100 times a day on TV and radio commercials, on billboards and in the stores on new product packaging.

Think about it.

If something is new, it's never existed before. That's why it's "new."

If something is improved, it existed before, and now it's better. It's not new.

Therefore, there is no such thing as "new and improved."

And yet, you think New and Improved makes perfect sense. Why? Because you don't actually take the time to THINK about it. You just accept it as fact.

Which should make you wonder....what ELSE are you taking for granted? What else are you blindly accepting as truth instead of considering whether or not you believe it to be true?

If you want to know how to change your life, all you really need to do is slow down. Sure, I know that's completely contrary to what our society tells us to do, we want everything to be more, better, faster, different. But what is the sacrifice?

Slow down and you can begin to see instead of just zipping by. Slow down and you can begin to listen and truly hear. Slow down adn you can experience life instead of rushing off to...what, exactly?

Here's your question of the day:
What's missing from your life? What's missing, that the presence of, would make a difference?


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