You GET What You FOCUS on...
You get what you focus on, it's as simple as that. Rather than complicate it, I'll just illustrate with some personal examples.
In the past, when I've focused on what I don't have, I got more lack. Focusing on piles of bills guessed it, more bills. Unexpected car expenses. Unplanned emergencies that are, yep, expensive. Etc.
The cruel (or ultimately freeing, depending on how you look at it) secret is that all you have to do is focus on what you want instead of what you've got.
Landmark recently provided me with this totally apropos quote:
What you HAVE is in the past.
What you are DOING is in the present.
Your declaration for who you are BEING is from the future.
In other words, when you focus on what you have now (or don't have), you are stuck in the past, and you get more of what you already have but don't want. When you take action, you can only take action in the now. Of course, if you're stuck thinking about the past all the time, you're going to naturally take action consistent with that, which means you get more of the same. Interesting, no?
HOWEVER....when you declare something for yourself (hopefully, what you really want) you are creating it in the future. When you train your focus there, on what you want, you are focused on teh future, which creates a realm of endless possibility, free from the constraints of the past.
For example...recently I decided to focus on plenty. Plenty of everything, everywhere in my life. It's no wonder I now have more emails than I can read, we chose a buffet for dinner tonite (plenty of options, for sure!), money is flowing in hand over fist and I am receiving clients and leads like you can't even imagine.
By declaring that I am open to receive plenty, I naturally take actions consistent with that declaration (in the present). What I had when I declared it is irrelevant, because it was in the past and didn't even warrant my attention.
Are you getting this? I sure hope so, because it is critical, and I mean critical to your happiness and well-being.
My husband recently started focusing on his health. Guess what he attracted? An amazing healer who is helping him identify and clear several underlying food allergies we long suspected but could never confirm through traditional medicine. This week, he is experiencing more energy and vitality than he's had in I don't know HOW long. It's truly amazing to watch.
So you'll get what you focus on. If you're not sure what you've been focusing on lately, take a look at the results you have RIGHT NOW. That's a great indication of your past focus. Not enough money? Bad relationship? Crappy job? Poor health? Yep, all a product of your past thinking.
OF course, the good news is that you are free to change your thinking at any time. Like now, or now, or right now, or how about now?
As for me, right NOW it's time to head to bed, so I'll leave you with your QoD:
What results do I have RIGHT NOW that are a product of my focus in the immediate past? How can I reframe my thinking and direct my energy to define and focus on what I really want, as a declaration from my future?
Now get to work on it!
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