The Poop and Scoop on Famous Internet Marketers
You've heard their names - Joe Vitale, Pat O'Bryan, Craig Perrine. You've probably read some of their webistes, and you may even be on their mailing list. Who knows, you migth have actually bought some of their many products.
But do you even know who these people really are?
If you're like me, you know you can't believe everything you see on the internet. You've probably wondered if some of these guys are "for real."
Well, I spent the past weekend with all 3 of them (plus Nerissa Oden, the "Video Queen") and I've got the scoop on each of them.
Let's start with the Maverick Marketer himself, Mr. Craig Perrine.
First let me say, he does not look nearly as dorky in person as he does in the pix on his websites. I dunno, maybe the guy just doesn't photograph well. His wife Aimee is an is an absolute peach. I swapped her some feng shui tips in exchange for allergy-free eating tips, which was quite productive for both of us. Oh yeah, about Craig. Well, knowing his wife is a darling should tell you somehting about Craig himself, the whole "behind every great man" thing and all. He is a witty guy - dry, wry, but funny nonetheless. You can tell there's a lot going on inside, even though he seems to be holding something back. Not like serial killer secrets, or anything like that...just the feeling that the guy could be a powerful force if he really let go and cut loose.
Hmmm. I just re-read what I wrote and I'm thinking that pretty much killed any shot I had of doing a JV with Craig Perrine. Well, after all, he is a guy that shoots from the hip, so maybe he'll appreciate my honesty. Or maybe he'll unsubscribe me from his list and block my email address. I'm thinking it could go either way.
Maybe you should go buy some of his stuff (at least sign up for his free e-course, I read it and it's quite good) to keep us all on his "good" side. Go here.
And here's a pic of Craig and me:

Now, about Pat O'Bryan.
Hmmm...what can I say about Pat O'Bryan?
Of course, his name makes me smile (as it would anyone from New Orleans). I think about all the late nights (and early mornings) spent sipping Hurricanes and Mind Erasers and sweating our asses off even late at night (it doesn't cool of at nite in New Orleans like it does in other places) in the courtyard of the famous Pat O'Brian's bar on Bourbon Street (locals call it "PatO's").
But I digress.
Pat O'Bryan has a completely relaxed and unassuming air about him. In fact, the guy is as cool as a tall glass of Texas sweet tea, and just as refreshing. His slight southern drawl (I can imagine him "yes ma'am"ing as a boy) adds a certain charm to this six-foot something blues-guitar-player-turned-internet-golden-boy. He has a quiet way of subtly blending into the background and soaking up everything around him. At times, I think he was pretending not to listen, because it's clear to me the guy was 100% present this weekend.
And his wife Besty - now SHE is an absolute sweetheart. You should see the looks these two exchange, like a couple of high school sweethearts. And if you get Betsy talking about all that Pat's accomplished she's practically beaming with pride and admiration.
It's no wonder he calls his coaching program "No B.S. Coaching" because I'm not sure he could BS anyone if he tried. Well, at least not without a bit of wretching. It's clear that he calls it like he sees it, no apologies. He's so straight-up it's uncanny. But it hooks you in, in a fascinating, "gimme more of that stuff" kind of way.
Hmmm, maybe that's why I resonate with the guy. Here's a pic of me & Pat (ignore my hair, it's kinda freaky here).

Now about Joe. Do you really want to know what Joe Vitale is really like? I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you.
Tune in tomorrow and we'll see if you can believe everything you read here. I just deliver the truth the way I see it, I'm not tryin' to convince anyone else to get on board.
Why am I keeping you hanging and making you wait until tomorrow?
Simple. I just spent the weekend with three marketing gurus. Let's just say I picked up a thing or two.
Until tomorrow....
Here's your QoD:
If someone were to write their impression of you, what would they say? Do you think you'd be satisfied wiht what they had to say? Do you think the person you project to others is a true reflection of who you really are? If not, what (specifically) could you do differently to show your true colors?
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