Monday, April 24, 2006

How YOU (Yes, YOU) Can Give Up the Victim Role

Yesterday we talked about Abolishing the Victim Mentality, and I promised to take some space today to share how exactly you can do that.

Here are 4 simple steps to Abolish the Victim in YOU:

1. Recognize where in your life you're playing the victim.

What areas of your life (or people around you) do you complain about constantly? Where are you just miserable? Where in your life are you blaming other people or circumstances instead of taking personal responsibility for the choices you've made?

2. Realize you have a choice.

When you get that you're the one responsible (Who's the one person who's always at the scene of hte crime? Yep, it's YOU.) you also get a certain freedom in knowing that if you made this part of your life so crappy, you also are the one who made other parts so wonderful. You have a choice in everything...just understanding that and knowing that you are truly NEVER stuck can be a very freeing experience. If you think you're stuck in a dead-end job, you ARE...but only until you realize you're not. Remember, you are hte one in control. Whenever you refuse to see that, you are right back in victim mode.

3. Make a list of all the actions you CAN take, right now.

Forget about "someday" and "when this happens..." and "when my boss finally..." and think about what YOU personally can do RIGHT NOW to change your situation. And stop thinking about how hopeless it all is. There is always a way -- always SOMETHING you can do right now. It might not be pleasant, it might not be enjoyable, but if you start thinking about what you can do, you shift your entire consciousness to what's possible instead of what sucks. If you can't think of absolutely anything (or even if you can), do yourself a favor and go here and pick up a copy of my Success Method ebook. It's packed with ideas and it'll certainly get you off your duff and moving forward.


Pick one item on the list and just do it. Ignore the voice in your head that says "this will never work" or "I alrady tried this in the past and it didn't work" or "what's the point" or whatever it's saying to keep you stuck. Just push through it and watch what happens. Unforutnately, this is hte step where most people just flake out. Their old way of thinking gets the bettter of them and as a result, they remain stuck in victim mode.

CONGRATULATIONS! You now know the 4 steps required to get yourself out of victim mode. Now you can stop whining and start living your life. You get to tbe one in control and you get to call the shots.

And here's your question of the day:
Are you really going to follow the 4 steps, or are you content to continue whining about the way things "have to be." Do you really think you were put on this planet to complain about how crappy things are? Get off your butt and get going. And write me to tell me what you gained as a result of doing this exercise, I'd love to hear about your results.


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