Thursday, June 08, 2006

Resistance to Change

People who resist change are a puzzle to me. Why on earth would someone complain about their situation in life and then continue makign the same choices over and over again? It seems so obvious to just DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

For example, my darling hubby attempted to share the movie "The Secret" with someone we know. She said she was not at all interested (WHO could not be interested in thsi? have you seen these teasers???) She said (and I quote) "there's just no room in my life for anything 'new-agey' "

New-agey? I thought.

If you've seen The Secret, you are surely laughing your butt off at the absurdity of that remark. If you haven't, go download it right now for $4.95 - yep, less than 5 bucks.

If you're wondering what's so funny, it;s this: The Secret draws from wisdom and success of the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Dale Carnegie, Henry David Thoreau, William Shakespeare, adn a whole host of other famous names that you would hardly dub "new-agey."

But the point to get here is that some people (maybe even you) dismiss things (people, places, books, ideas, events) that could REALLY make a difference in their lives because of misconceptions they hold about them.

By staying stuck in their own ways, these people are really missing out. Essentially, they're choosing to stay stuck by ignoring their options.

It's like that old story about the massive flood.

When the water is only a foot high, a man's neighbor comes to his house and offers to give him a ride out of town on his big rig. The man refuses the ride, saying "No thanks, my Lord will save me."

Later, the water is four feet high adn the man is on the second story of his house. A boat comes by and offers to take the man to higher ground. The man refuses the boat ride, saying "No thanks, my Lord will save me."

Later, the water is eight feet high and the man is up on his roof. A helicopter comes by and offers to throw him a ladder but the man once again refuses help. He tells them, "No thanks, my Lord will save me."

The waters continue to rise, and the man eventually drowns.

He gets to heaven and asks God, "My Lord, why didn't you save me?"

and God responds...

"I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what more did you want, an engraved invitation from God?"


The sad truth is that most people are more interested in complaining about their life/relationship/finances/situation/etc than they are about saving themselves.

There are some people taht just refuse to be saved. And in the end, they'll wonder why they were forsaken.

What can we do about such people? First, don't become one of them. Second, don't give them any agreement for their situation. Third, throw them a lifeline, but understand taht you can't save them - you can offer the way out, but they've got to take it.

I believe it's our responsibility to offer solutions. It's not our responsibility to force people to take them.

Ah, the beauty of Free Choice.

So here is your QoD:
What are you dismissing wihtout having all the facts? What if that is the exact answer to your prayers, disguised as somethign else? Go on, give it a go, see what happens.


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