The Truth About Joe Vitale
OK, I've left you hanging long enough (you can thank Joe for that...the technique keeps 'em comin' back).
Dr. Joe Vitale, a.k.a. "Mr. Fire" has written more books than even he can count (including bestselling "The Attractor Factor" which sent Harry Potter back to his spellbooks to figure out how he got beaten, has mastered marketing (in fact, some would say he invented spiritual marketing), is reported to have lost 80 lbs, has more websites than you can shake a stick at, mentored a small army of now-hugely-successful marketing gurus, and currently has a massive loyal following of fans. Oh, did I mention he also appears in the movie "The Secret"? And not some crappy cameo role, either. I highly recommend that flick for anyone who's even remotely interested in what it takes to be successful.
But none of this really tells you who the guy is, right?
In fact, some people I've spoken to have read his stuff and are still left wondering if he is in fact the "real deal."
Well, I spent the whole weekend with Joe and I can tell you, wihtout any hesitation or reservation, this guy is something else.
Mild-mannered, genuinely friendly and positively exuding a consistently relaxed confidence that I personally found enviable, Joe is one of a kind.
Just ask "Video Queen" Nerissa Oden. Nerissa has a sweet, centered presence about her...which ignites when you get her talking about something she's passionate about. Suddenly all the lights on the room seem to brighten and her eyes gleam as she explains her latest project or describes her goals or talks about her "critters."
But I know what you really want is to hear more about Joe Vitale.
To label the guy "a brilliant marketer" just doesn't cut it these days. He's gone way beyond marketing. If I had to put a name on the guy, I'd go with something like, "brilliant marketer evolving into spiritual leader."
Something tells me that being labeled an up-and-coming "spiritual leader" might just scare Joe a tad. It showed up in certain things he shared with us this weekend. The hesitancy to cross that line was pretty clear, but he took a leap of faith (so to speak) and we were all sincerely grateful for it.
Am I painting an accurate picture? Well, it's hard to say. I don't think one person can ever really "define" another. And it's clear that Joe is continuing to define himself, and that he is evolving. Put simply, the guy just vibrates at a higher level than anyone I've ever met. He's got a quiet charisma that positively and irresistably draws people (and anything he wants) straight to him.
Spend five minutes with the guy, and you can't help but feel good about yourself, him, life, and well, everything.
Perhaps I'm oversimplifying things.
No, I don't think I am. If anything, I'm probably complicating it.
BOTTOM LINE: Joe Vitale rocks, period.
By now, some of you are no doubt wondering what the heck we did and what we talked about in this "Manifestation Weekend."
But I'm not going to tell you that.
Not because I signed a non-disclosure (which I didn't). Not because Joe asked us not to (which he didn't). Not because I learned a powerful mantra and the secret handshake (even though I did).
I'm not going to tell you because you just had to be there.
Anything I could tell you about this past weekend simply would not do it justice. Perhaps one of other participants is more eloquent than I am, and could explain it in a way that makes sense. But I've gone over it and over it in my head, and I just can't cover it in a quippy blog post. It took me nearly two hours of talking to bring my husband into the loop, and I don't think anyone wants to read anything THAT long. I could probably write a book on it, but I'll leave that to Joe and Dr. Len.
But here's the good news.
Joe recorded the entire thing (well, to be precise, Pat recorded it). I'm certain that in a short time, the audios will be available for sale.
If I were you, I would hover over your email, awaiting the exact minute when Joe says they're avaialble for sale, so you can snatch those up and soak it all in. It's as close as you can get to actually "being there." This infomration is for anyone who has already learned to practice the LAw of Attraction and is ready to kick things up a couple thousand notches.
Seriously, it was that good. And that's all I have to say about that.
Pic of me and Joe:

Now, to find a Question of the Day suitable for this post....hmmm.......
What are you most grateful for? I invite you to make a list of all the things in your life that you are grateful for, and really savor what it means to appreciate them all.
Thank you for your post, Amy. It's one thing to read about someone, read their material and then have a sister sincerely share her experience with the person.
Evolving spiritual leader got it just about right. Stepping fully into that is something this planet is holding it's breath for.
I feel that as we all begin to realise how many of our 'Family' members are here going through the same process of accessing, integrating and fully expressing our divinity, we each step more boldly into fulfilling our life purpose of transforming Planet Earth.
Fearlessness.... to be Who We Really Are.... complete transformation of fear... the evolution of planetary consciousness.... Heaven, right here on Earth.
Blessings, Amy. And thanks again for sharing from your feminine perspective.
Any slick grease ball can make wild claims and some unsuspecting people will accept them full force. The metaphysical mind, questioning all forms of authority, digs deeper, asking real questions.
Joe Vitale says he's a Dr? Did he earn an a PhD from an accredited university . What accrediting association? Does he have a Bachelor or Master's degree? A high school diploma? Better check to make sure they are real. Is his "dr" recognized by the university of texas? or the university of sleezeball salesmen?
vitale claims he's recognized as the steve reeves and charles atlas of the internet. who recognizes him that way? how can a danny de vito look-alike be confused with a muscle man?
vitale uses 'dr' to advertize a medical product. what qualifications as a "dr" does he hold to make medical claims, including recommending a replacement to AMA/FDA approved medications? If he lacks qualified credentials for medical recommendations are his recommendations endangering the health and well being of others by means of misrepresentive claims?
Angela - wow, eloquently said. Nice comment! // anonymous - I'll be honest with you, I've always been an excellent judge of character. Oh, and I've never known anyone with massive success who was also severely for thought...
I'm actually pretty successful and content. Enough to check out Joe Vitale's work. I have to say, I see no need for the personal attack on Vitale ('the university of sleezeball salesman" comment, among a few others), but I do also question his credentials. Most PhD's place where they obtained their PhD; I'm sure that point can be distrated from by a 'that's just an egoic self-importance that Dr. Vitale has moved beyond' comment, but still, given most professions, and I bet a genuine study would reveal this, not knowing where somebody got their phd, and not being able to find it anywhere (usually in the 'about us' section of a website) gives off a certain red-flag. Regardless of his education, he is clearly successful and people can learn from him, but there is a certain fishy-ness about him that I can't quite put my finger on, but I won't be buying his books,etc.
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