I Know I'm Sappy, But I Gotta Be Me...
OK, I can't help it. I tear up and get all misty-eyed whenever I hear a John Denver song. I know it's sappy, but I'm just being authentic here.
And I get this way even when I'm NOT pregnant. But yes, emotions seem a bit enhanced when the hormones are raging.
At any rate, "Rocky Mountain High" can really make me break down. Damn, I love that song. I always have, even though I never had any desire to live in/near/among mountains.
And who would have thought that I'd be here in fabulous Castle Rock, living in my brand new home with sweeping mountain views of the Rocky Mountain Front Range? Heck, I never thought I'd ever live in a small town either (growing up in New Orleans) and now that I've been here a year, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
It kind of makes me wonder...
Since I used to listen to John Denver all the time, implanting those songs in my brain, my memory and my soul...was it a foregone conclusion taht I would end up living so close to the Rocky Mountains? and so near to Denver?
Yeah, this Law of Attraction stuff can mess with your head if you get too deep into it.
But it's definitely possible.
Perhaps my higher self knew I was destined to live this fabulous life, in this fabulous place, with fabulous people, among fabulous scenery. But my humble beginnings were keeping me stuck for awhile -- stuck in New Orleans, and stuck among thoughts and deep beliefs of lack, limitation and longing.
Now here I am at the tender age of 33, living in a 4,000 square foot home, married to my soul mate, with one perfect child and another on the way, headed to Hawaii in a couple of weeks and planning a two-month $50,000 adventure back to the intriguing country of Australia this summer.
Man, life is good.
If you're reading this thinking "no, life isn't so good" well stay tuned buddy, because I have got news for you.
This go-round, you got 1 shot at this amazing life, so you better make it count. Things didn't start to get "good" for me until about 2 years ago, when I opened my mind to possibility. My life didn't really start rockin until Katrina rocked my world a year ago.
But you don't have to wait for a natural disaster (or a near-death experience) to make a shift. You can choose it. Right now.
If you want to create something other than what you've got right now, be sure to listen to my free teleclass on Wednesday. Michael Losier (Law of Attraction maven) and I are putting together a one-hour class on Success and the Law of Attraction.
Finally, you'll learn the secret of MY success. And then you can have it too. Or wahtever else you want.
Seriously, life can be this good. (Or better. I'm just getting warmed up.)
Major, major, major developments ahead for New Success, the Grant Galaxy and Amy Scott Grant. Aren't you glad you hopped on board for the ride?
Hang on to your bobby socks...and get ready to F L Y !!!
and before you get too far off the ground, here is your QoD:
What would you do right now (and I mean RIGHT NOW) if there were no obstacles? If time, money, health adn energy were NO issue, what would you be planning next for this strange and wonderful life you've been given?
NEWS FLASH: Time, money, health and energy are no issue. So get started planning it RIGHT NOW.
Go for it!!!
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