Product Review - Part I - Portable Empire Un-Seminar
Have you heard of Pat O'Bryan, creator of Your Portable Empire?
If you haven't, it's only a matter of time until you become intimately familiar with the guy.
I recently purchased his "Un-Seminar Package." It's a $1000 package that is currently avaialble at at $99 per month. After reading the sales page, I didn't see how I could pass it up.
I am awaiting delivery of my DVD package, but I'm busy going through the "pre-training" audio downloads.
I admit, I am pleasantly FLOORED by the quality of these audios. And this even what I really bought - this is just a "bonus" while I'm waiting for my dvds to show up (which should be any day now).
It's not just the smooth and sultry southern voice of this tall, unassuming cigar-smoking dude that hooks you in. It's not the mellow guitar licks he's added to the beginning of each audio (did you know he is a formerly broke blues guitar player?) Nah, it's the actual CONTENT and the REAL-ness of it that I find enthralling.
The first audio is an in-dept interview with Dr. Joe Vitale on copywriting.
I'll be honest - I didn't expect to learn anything new. I know, I know, that sounds smug, but I've heard dozens of Dr. Vitale's interviews, and I've bought several of his products. And this is supposed to be a beginner's guide to copywriting, and I'm waaaaaaay past a beginner (in my opinion).
But I took PAGES of notes in this short interview. It was phenomenal.
Then I found myself wondering....yeah, but that's Joe Vitale. The guy's a legend - everything he touches turns to gold. But how good will the others be? So I listened to Craig Perrine next.
I met Craig in person at the Manifestation Weekend, and I heard him speak there. He's a very down-to-earth person. Now, I'll be honest - I expected to pick up a couple of tips, but that's about it. After all, I already have a list. I'm cranking on it - it's grown by more than 50% in the past month alone. Well, I don't know whether it was my low expectations, or Pat's commitment to over-deliver, but I was again shocked at the amount of info I got in this "pre" training call. Again, PAGES of notes - not theory, but real-life practical tips.
This is getting good, I thought.
Next was Nerissa Oden.
Now you'll find out *exactly* how obnoxious I am. I nearly skipped Nerissa's audio because I thought "I don't need video. My blog and audios speak for themselves. Besides, I'm 5 months pregnant, and I don't really want to look at myself on camera, seeing as it supposedly adds 10 lbs."
Man, was I wrong again. While I only took 2 pages of notes during Pat's interview of Nerissa, they were pure gold. I could barely sleep last night, thinking of all the things I could do with my Sony camcorder - all the ways I could have fun, teach people cool stuff, and make money, too. Just from listening to Nerissa, I got one idea that could easily make me $50k in the next year alone. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.
And guess what? You know I'm always preaching about TAKING ACTION, and that's exactly what I did today. I got an idea for a video, thought it would be a great "first project" for me, so I shot it and took about 90 minutes learning iMovie with some help from my Mac-Genius hubby. Now all I've got to do is record the audio, add it in and post it online. Coming soon to this blog in fact!
Now I'm listening to Pat's own audios about product creation. Again, I've heard Pat speak, I've read his books, I've got a couple of products. I figured he would re-cap his freebie ebook, The Absolute Beginner's Guide. Yikes, I really can't stand being this wrong, this often. It's not at all good for my thriving ego.
But again, Pat's audio was pure gold. And I snagged another new product idea. Thanks, Pat.
Two more audios to go, Bill Hibbler and Jillian Wheeler-Coleman. Notebook ready, pen in hand, I'll tackle these and hope to high heaven that my DVD package has arrived by the time I'm done.
And you'd better believe I'll be updating you with a Part II review when those bad babies arrive, once I've had time to tear into them.
More to come....
(And in case you're wondering, I don't get a commission for reviewing this product. Pat hasn't set it up for affiliate sales....yet.)
oh, I almost forgot your Question of the Day.
If you're serious about making money with internet marketing, why haven't you bought the Un-Seminar DVD package yet? The link is here:
Very nice UNBIASED post about the "Unseminar". I am just digging into the book and so far it is fantastic!
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