Answers to Your Burning Questions?
I get a lot of emails (doesn't everyone?) but sometimes I get an email that includes some outstanding questions -- what I call "burning questions" because these are questions that a LOT of people have and really want answered.
Today I got one of thohse emails, so I thought I'd share my answers with everyone. Naturally, I won't reveal the person's name or situation.
Normally, this is the kind of coaching in which I'd work with you personally (and charge $275 an hour) but I'm feeling generous today, so here goes.
QUESTION: What can I do if I want to buy a course that costs $1,500 but I have a maxed out credit card and I'm living off savings, what would you suggest I do other than give myself time to get the money and/or allow Law of Attraction to work in its own time?
MY ANSWER: Keep in mind that Law of Attraction works as fast as you let it. It's best not
to limit it with time constraints (but of course LoA is happy to comply when
you do.) And of course, to keep affirming that you don't have the money right now produces what...? Yep, you got it -- more situations where you don't have the money right now and you're waiting until you do. Putting life on hold until you have enough money is a slippery slope and it can leave you paralyzed where you are.
So here's the thing:
If you say it will take a year, it most likely will.
If you say it will take 2 months, it most likely will.
When I first got started in network marketing, I told my advisor I wanted to quit my job within a year and he laughed. He actually laughed at me and said, "Well, let's see if we can't do better than that."
As I expanded my mindset, I was able to stretch my thinking of what's possible and I pushed that goal up to 6 months...then I pushed it up to 4 months...then I pushed it up to 2 months. I quit my job (forever) within 2 months of setting that goal.
Get my point? You set the time. Don't be afraid to push yourself to think bigger and see what it would like if it happened a lot sooner than you're thinking?
Also consider that the moment you get COMMITTED to a goal, the Universe aligns to put things in place for you. But the doubts (based on what you're seeing in your present reality) are what prevent you from getting 100% committed.
You can't step fully into the future when you've got 1 foot stuck in the past. Capisce?
Next question (when the person mentions "Chapter 5" she is referring to The Success Method):
QUESTION: You say in Chapter 5 not to worry about the how, but then ask that we break down the
goals into "objectives" with target dates. If this is not concerned with the "how" of things,
I must be misunderstanding something here. What I have started doing (since I just
started reading Chapter 5 today) is writing down the steps as they come to me and
ones that I know I can definitely take action on (meaning ones that cost me time as
opposed to cash).
ANSWER: Outstanding question! I think the answer is best illustrated with an example.
Let's say your goal is to get a new car.
You don't care how you get that car, you just want a new car.
Winning it in a contest, getting an unexpected gift from a relative, buying it, etc.
You create a plan (consisting of objectives) as to how you can visualize it being created -- you give yourself milestones, you create an action plan (later chapter) and then you work your plan.
the secret is to have no attachment whatsoever as to what ACTUALLY occurs as you're working your plan.
In other words, you are committed to the GOAL, you are not committed to the way in which it manifests.
Look at it another way:
Let's say you are planning a dinner party with good friends.
You are committed that everyone (including you) have a fabulous time, that the food is delicious, the conversation is scintillating and a wonderful time is had by all. You envision a superb evening.
If that's what you're committed to, you don't worry that you can't afford to serve prime rib. You don't care if you have potatoes or rice. It doesn't matter whether you start at 7PM or 7:30PM. You don't stress if your best friend suddenly can't make it. You don't worry that you can't find your soup ladel. These are all just details -- you're committed that everyone have a fabulous time, and that's the ultimate outcome you want to see.
But does that mean you don't plan a menu? You don't invite people? You don't prepare?
Of course not! But you remain committed to your goal (wonderful evening) and you take steps in that direction. If a friend calls and suddenly tells you they have company in town, can they bring their company to the dinner? You don't freak out that you won't have enough places set -- you say YES because you've got to trust that these "new additions" can only enhance the fun and enjoyable evening you're committed to.
And what if you wanted to serve lamb and you've called every butcher shop and meat market in town and there's no lamb to be found? You don't sweat it because you know the evening will be fabulous. You switch to plan B. Or you remain committed to your fabulous evening and suddenly get a call from one of hte participants who offers to bring a lamb appetizer "out of the blue." These are the kinds of things you can expect when you are committed to something.
This is what I mean by setting objectives without getting hung up on the "how."
Moving on...
QUESTION: My understanding with Law of Attraction is that you're not supposed to put dates on
what you want to manifest.
ANSWER: It depends.
If you're gonna obsess over the date (some of us will) then you're better off without a date. If you're thinking "Ack! Only 3 days left and I still don't have it yet" then what kind of vibration or message are you sending? Clearly, it's "I don't have it yet" so you'll get more of that.
If you really require something within a certain timeline, be specific in asking to receive it by a certain date, and then be very open to following nudges here and there that may at first glace seem to be compeltely unrelated to your request. And be very, VERY open to how it happens.
It's one of those things where you gotta see what works for you.
And TRUST that you already know what you're doing. You do know enough. You CAN have anything you want. Seriously.
And on another note, carefully guard your use of the word "want."
As I'm fond of saying,
You'll get what you ask for, so be sure to ask for exactly what you want.
But don't ask as though you want it (because then you get more wanting, which leads to not-having).
Be thankful that you claim it now -- it's already yours.
Dont' be surprised if these answers invite more questions. It's all part of the conversation.
I've been attempting to phase out my coaching program for some time now, and yet, I continue to attract more and more interesting people who request my coaching for reasons that interest me.
So I'm not attached to the "how" and I'm accepting these coaching clients. When I put my own agenda aside, the greatest good of EVERYONE (myself included) can be achieved.
So there you go. If you're ready to coach with me, here's how you do it:
1 - email me at and put "COACHING REQUEST" in the subject line. This ensures you get top priority as I go through my hundreds of emails.
2 - schedule a 20-minute interview with me where we evaluate why you want coaching, to make sure we are good fit (if not, I can usually direct you to someone who is)
3 - be prepare to pay for your coaching package prior to your first session. Here are my rates:
One session: $275 for 60 minutes
4-session package: $1000 (10% or $100 off)
9-session package: $2000 (10% or $200 off PLUS ONE FREE SESSION)
Your question of the day:
In what areas are you currently struggling, where coaching (either through myself or someone else) would benefit you immensely? Are you resistent to acquiring coaching, either for reasons of money, time, or level of comfort? What would be possible if you had someone to bring light to your blind spots and help you blast through your current blocks? Are you open and ready to have an experience like that?
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