Avoiding Major Money Mistakes - Part II
OK, here is the second installment on that major money mistake I was talking about. If you missed part one, click here to access it.
In the last installment, we were talking about BE - DO - HAVE and "living as though it's already so."
This is where a lot of people get hung up. And hung out to dry.
I warned against going out on spending sprees and running up your credit cards because you're "acting as if" you're already wealthy.
The difference is that you must believe that money is always flowing in to you, even now, even in this moment, no matter waht your checking account may say.
It's not about spending in fear or "well, if I spend what I don't have, then I have to trust that it's coming in."
No, no, no - that's back to have - do - be thinking, and we arleady know that doesn't work.
If you practice be - do - have, then you are being wealthy first - you are being abundant. You are being generous. You are being free. You are being at peace.
None of these things are derived from spending.
Spending is a "do" not a "be" item.
Spending is what you "do" when you are already "being" wealthy.
See, if there's a shred of doubt about your true wealth, spending is going to bring that to light. And then you get results that you didn't wnat and didn't expect. But of course that's the way it works.
When you are being wealthy and living in true faith that you claim your abundance right here, right now, then spending is a natural "do" that comes next.
But not spending crazily. Like I said, wealthy people don't do that anyway (not normally). They don't have to go crazy in a single shopping spree...why? BECAUSE THEY ARE WEALTHY. The wealth is there, any time they want it. So the money isn't burning a hole in their pocket, desperate to be spent in case it's not there tomorrow.
But wealthy people do see somthing they want, decide they will have it, and then go spend to buy it.
That's what you will do once you are BEing wealthy.
and then the money will naturally flow in.
Not BECAUSE of your spending of course, but because of your belief and expectation that it would come.
Get it?
In case you don't, here is your QoD to help you get clear:
The next time you are deciding whether to spend -- when it's one of those "discussions" that goes on in your head about "should I or shouldn't I" and "can I afford it or not?" then stop, practice BEing and take a breather. If by tomorrow, you still want the thing, and you can really BE wealthy about having it, then by all means go get it.
And let me know how it turns out.
P.S. The first of the "wealth interviews" is complete and will be posted within the next 24 hours. Sign up for my mailing list and be among the first to know when it's available...
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