Sunday, October 01, 2006

Are You Making This Major Money Mistake?

There's a fine line, and sometimes we can't help but cross it.

Of course, there's a difference between choosing to cross the line, or to disregard what we know works, vs. not understanding the subtle difference and floundering financially as a result.

Allow me to explain.

We talk quite a bit (and of couse, by "we" I mean "I") in this blog about the concept of Be-Do-Have. In fact, it's what our license plate reads: "BDOHAVE."

Put simply, most of hte world operates in a space of "HAVE - DO - BE." It shows up in language like "If I only HAD such-and-such, then I could DO blah-blah and then I would BE (happy, successful, healthy, etc."

Like, if I could only lose 15 lbs, then I would feel better about exercising and then I can get into shape and be healthy.

Or, if I only had more money, then I could quit my job and do what I really want to do and then I would be happy and not stressed anymore.

Get the idea?

Trouble is, that's a cruel joke because life really works the OPPOSITE way.

As soon as you can BE a certain thing, and I mean feel it in your bones, you will DO what a person like that would do and then you will HAVE all that comes with it.

Put another way,

if you could BE healthy and fit now, you would naturally DO what a healthy and fit person would do (exercise and eat well) and then you would HAVE what a healthy person has (a fit body).

If you could BE wealthy in your mind and live as though you are, you would naturally DO what a wealthy person would do (act on ideas, create partnerships, spend wisely, earn easily, etc) and then you would naturally HAVE what a wealthy person has (money, nice things, peace of mind aorund money, incoming flow of abundance, etc.)

But here's the caveat, and where some people get lost. It's that one pesky phrase that says "live as though you are."

This one can get you into trouble if you don't understand it completely.

See, at first glance, it seems like a license to spend, and in some respects, it is. A wealthy person would spend freely.

Not crazily, mind you. Wealthy people don't have to go on sudden spending sprees to buy everythign they ever wanted in a single day. Why? Because they're wealthy! They know that wealth will still be sitting there, waiting for them tomorrow, next Tuesday, next month and next winter. There's no need to go crazy spending if you're wealthy.

But sometimes people who are choosing to "act as if" forget this simple fact and go nuts, running up their credit cards or going into debt, or depleting their savings. Not cool.

Here's what else:

When you spend and "act as if" you are spending, knowing hte money is on its way to you. Always flowing in, ever-abundant, never-ending.

what happens to some people who go spend-crazy is this: they get into a space of abundance, they go out and spend, and then they freak out when their bills arrive.

When you freak out, you're sending out the message that "there's not enough! I can't pay for all this!" so guess what you get? Yep, you got it. It's like shutting off the faucet for awhile, until you can get yourself back in a space of abundance and receiving.

IT's a slippery slope, and I've found it difficult to master.

There's also a difference between buying things you require (even if unbudgeted) and things you really, truly want, vs. buying to numb yourself, avoid paid or discomfort, or just make yourself feel better.

These things never work. Ask anyone who'll be truly honest with you -- wealthy or otherwise.

So don't make the mistake of confusing BE - DO - HAVE with going on a spending spree.

What's the answer?

Well, that's coming up in my next stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here is your QoD:

Do you have a tendency to go on spending sprees? What do you think is at the root of this? What goes through your mind just before you whip out that credit card and run up a bunch of unplanned splurges? What do you think you're really searching for? Is there a different way to satisfy those urges other than spending?

P.S. I always love hearing from you - thanks so much for your comments and emails, I really appreciate how much you enjoy these messages!

P.P.S. if you liked today's post, you're gonna love what I'm working on next. I'm partnering with one of my favorite people in the whole world to bring you the ultimate, most comprehensive wealth mindset training you'll find. We're putting together a 90-day program that goes in-depth into concepts such as these, and combines knowledge and understanding with powerful, applicable tools that you can begin using immediately. This is unlike anything we've ever done before, and if you've enjoyed my blog postings on wealth and abundance, you ain't seen nuthin' yet. We're gonna include the best-of-the-best-of-the-best. I can hardly wait to share it with you! Look for more info in the coming months....program goes on sale before year's end (extremely limited spacing -- that's so we can offer personal coaching) and will start in late January. Hold onto your socks!!!


At 8:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest you fix the 'abundance ' of spelling and gammar mistakes in your article if you want people to take it seriously

At 12:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I particularly like how this person made their own "gammar" mistake. :-) so I suppose there's no reason to take THAT person seriously, LOL.


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