Manifestors Beware
Part II of Avoiding a Major Money Mistake is coming soon...but I felt compelled to share this first. And yes, it is oh-so-relevant.
Have you ever manifested something so quickly, so instantaneously out of thin air that you were left feeling a bit shaken?
This happened to me just last week.
My family and I decided to take a little picnic. We were headed to a wooded trail area near our home where we hadn't explored before.
My daughter wanted to see animals. I told her we might see bunnies, and she should keep her eyes peeled.
Then I immediately thought (and said out loud) or we might see a snake. So let's be on the lookout for that, too.
After a moment, we stopped as we saw a bench up ahead. It was in full sunlight, and we were standing on a paved walkway in the shade. We were debating whether to walk up ahead and eat in the sun (it was a bit warm that day) or to just sit where we were and eat in the shade. We were looking down at the ground and there was nothing there but the shadows of the trees above us. My husband suggested eating on the bench, so we started walking again.
As I looked down, I suddenly saw a little brown snake, where there was previously nothing. It was moving extremely slowly yet it was already across the pavement, with its head nearly reaching the grass. At first, my daughter and husband didn't even see it, until I pointed and said "there." It was literally as though it magically appeared.
He scooped up our daughter and we kept walking. But I was so freaked out that there had been nothing just a moment earlier, and just a few moments after I said "we might see a snake" that I knew I wouldn't be able to relax. So we headed back to teh car and went to our favorite playground (snake-free, as far as I know) to have our picnic and let our daughter play.
Now I know, intellectually, that our words are infinitely powerful and our language creates our reality. I know that the person who masters this and lives in perfect integrity can say the word "chair" and have a chair fall out of their mouth.
And time to time, things like this happen that remind me of my own power. Perhaps you've experienced this as well. Saying "I wonder how so-and-so is doing" and then the phone rings and guess who's on the line, out of the blue.
But when they do happen, I am a bit reticent to practice intentionally.
A couple of months ago, I was driving well over the speed limit (I was trying to avoid being late for a commitment -- note the word "trying" and the word "avoid" so you can see whre this is going). Like a flash across my brain, I saw red and blue flashing lights in my head. I frantically dismissed it, focusing again on the time and my desire not to be late (note the "not").
Sure enough, within 90 seconds, I sped past an intersection where a policeman was waiting to cross. Flashing lights, ticket, the whole nine yards.
Those ignorant of law of attraction would call it coincidence. Others might imply some psychic activity on my part. But it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, because I know the truth.
Now here's the kicker...
YOU are no different than me.
YOU could think red and blue flashing lights and get an instant ticket. YOU could say "snake" and have a snake fall out of your mouth.
Or YOU could do what I spend most of my time doing -- focusing on creating what I really want to attract.
But no matter how good I get (or YOU, for that matter), the occasional snake may still fall out of my mouth.
So what will YOU create today with your all-powerful self?
If you're ready to create wealth...stay tuned. The 90-day course of the century is coming soon, courtesy of yours truly.
And you know I never, ever exaggerate
"Have you ever manifested something so quickly, so instantaneously out of thin air.."
I think we do this all the time and we just put it down to coincidence, deja vu, telepathy etc. It's only when we start to study the law Of Attraction / watching the Secret movie that we get freaked! Because then we can see proof of our magnificence and all our excuses seem like...well, like a snake in our mouth!
you said it!
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