Executive Assistant Update
Well, things are progressing well in terms of finding an Executive Assistant to assist me with my business(es).
What I find so interesting (and a little unnerving) is the fact that nearly EVERY candidate told me that they knew they were perfect for the position because they had just asked for a position like this one, and then poof! There was my posting.
The reason I find that a bit unsettling is because each of those people thinks they are meant for this position, but I know I am only hiring 1 person (for now). So they can't ALL be a match (for me).
Of course, they can choose to do what I am doing, which is to celebrate the closeness of the match (as Michael Losier says).
When I read an application, and I'm thinking "I LOVE this person's energy...but they are missing one of the key things I'm looking for" I don't get all bummed out and disappointed. Instaed, I celebrate the closeness of the match, because I know I am getting closer to finding the ideal match.
But it would be easy for me to get frustrated, or think "damn! so close, but it wasn't right." And I can see how it would be easy for an applicant to feel the same way.
But asking for an ideal paid position, and finding my executive assistnat posting immediately afterwards gives somehting to celebrate! It means they're getting closer to finding their ideal match!
How often do you ask for something, and then criticize what you get?
Ever asked to win the lottery, and then win $2 in a scratch off? Did you celebrate the $2, or curse it for being such a small amount?
Hmmmmm, interesting.
And I MUST tell you about the experience I had this morning.
I was interviewing a fabulous woman -- truly wonderful. And while we're talking, I'm thinking "I really like her, but I'm not sure if she's a match for me."
So I asked the Universe to show me if she's NOT the right one for hte Executive Assistant position.
During the interview, she started to have trouble hearing me. Then I cut out compeltely. I thought it was my Vonage line, so I called her right back from a land line. Same problem, only this time, the call got completely dropped.
No bad weather, and we were both on land lines (no cells).
So I'm beginning to wonder if this is my sign.
But I always ask if I'm not certain.
I thought this: If this woman is NOT a match, make it crystal clear to me. Don't leave me wondering if this is or isn't a sign. You know how I can get over-analytical.
I tried to call her back like 3 times and heard this recording: Due to technical difficulties, this call cannot be compelted.
So I called my husband to see if it was my phone. It wasn't.
So I emailed her to tell her I couldn't get her on the phone, and to call me when she could get through. And I went on to something else, clear that she wasn't a match at this time, for this position.
She called me a while later -- her entire internet and phone had completely gone out. No lights on the router, nothing.
She also admitted that she had asked herself the same thing -- is this a sign?
We had a good laugh about it, since it was clear to both of us that we did NOT have a match.
You see, all you have to do is ASK and it is given.
You don't always have to ask for SOMETHING....you can just ASK for an ANSWER.
So the search continues....I am intentional that I will find my perfect match by the end of the week.
Your QoD: Do you ask for an answer, or do you tend to remain in a state of confusion? When yuo ask, do you listen to the guidance you're given? OR do you second-guess it?
Remember, your Higher Self will never, ever steer you wrong, or lead you into harm's way. It is always seeking out and bringing yuor highest good (whether you choose to accept it or not, is entirely up to you.)
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