Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who Attracts the Weather?

Shortly after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, people in my life started talking about weather and the Law of Attraction.

I was thinking about it again today, because -- ready for this?? It SNOWED yesterday!

Yes, I know it's practically JUNE, and we've been having 70+ degree days, but it actually snowed last night.

So do we attract the weather or not?

Some folks say that weather is a function of the collective consciousness. Other folks say it's out of our hands.

But how can we truly embrace the idea of total personal responsibility unless we accept that we are creating ALL OF IT -- every last detail?


Want to know what I think? (I'm guessing you do, or else you wouldn't bother reading this blog).

I think it's an intellectual discussion that has no bearing on how I live my life and the choices I make.

Truth is, we could probably go back and forth all day about how the weather works and whether or not we are attracting "good" or "bad" weather.

I have better things to turn my attention to. And as we know, energy flows where attention goes.

If you ask me, I probably COULD control the weather, but do I really want to put all my time and energy into releasing beliefs or doubts about whether or not I can do that?

Nah, I think I'll just keep that umbrella in my car, thank you very much.

I think when you're out living your life, enjoying a rich and abundant lifestyle, you don't really give a crap whether or not it rains.

So it snowed last night, so what? I have no job to drive home from. Working for myself, working from home (if you even want to call it "work," which seems to have such a sordid feel to it) means I have no place to be.

In fact -- guess what occurred to me yesterday?

About a year ago, I set the intention that I would become a highly paid professional speaker.

Yesterday, it occurred to me that THAT is EXACTLY what I do.

I make a very comfortable living, and I SPEAK.

I blog, I write, I create teleclasses. I mastermind. I speak on my own TV show called "Be-Do-Have It All" (which you can catch on The Manifest Station this week: Friday and Saturday at 2:30AM, 10:30AM and 6:30PM, all those are Pacific times).

Do I stand on stage wearing a suit, full makeup and a little clip-on microphone?


I sit at my desk or in my giant suede bean bag chair and I wear a headset and jeans (or jammies) and I rarely wear makeup.

But I most certainly AM a highly-paid professional speaker nonetheless.

See, that's what we mean by ignoring the cursed "hows."

And like I'm fond of saying, the Universe will NOT give you what you will give you what you ask for -- so you'd better ask for EXACTLY what you want.

Here's your Question of the Day (QoD):

Do you tend to spend a lot of time trying to figure things out, instead of just trusting the process and getting into action? What would happen if you were willing to let go of some of the control you seem to crave?

Go for it!


At 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for confirming something I have thought about since my childhood, over half a century ago. We are really wonderful creators when we believe we have the gift.



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