Reality Is Unfinished?
Yesterday we heard Lynne McTaggart speak – and I have to tell you, my mind is still reeling. And not just from all the wine we drank today, during our Boutique Wine Tour of the Hunter Valley (NSW, Australia).
Lynne is the author of “The Field” and “The Intention Experiment” and she is a trip and a half. She is a very conservative dresser, and she is a journalist by nature, so she is all business and very matter of fact. And yet, she says she usually winds up speaking to new thought groups, where there is a lot of “flowing robes and sandals” was how she put it I think.
Anyway, she was talking about how reality is unfinished (NOTE: if you loved the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” then you simply must get yourself a copy of Lynne’s book, The Field.) and how infomratino actually flows backwards.
You know, when I was at Joe Vitale’s most recent Zero Limits weekend, he sort of touched on that, but I didn’t really get what he was saying.
Lynne painted a crystal clear picture – but if I were to attempt to reconstruct it, it would be a bit like calculus. You know, it makes perfect sense when the professor is explaining it, and then you go home and look at your notes, and think, WTF is this??
OK, let’s see if I can simplify it to bare bones.
If you’ve been studying universal law (including the Law of Attraction), then you know that unless you live consciously, your future is being created by the past. Because we’re all dragging around a bunch of crap from our past, and if we’re not living consciously, we just keep recreating the same scenarios, over and over again.
Or as we used to say in Catholic school, where we were forced to wear uniforms, “Same shirt, different day.”
BUT when we begin to create consciously, we think that the present is creating the future.
In other words, whatever I think about right now will begin to unfold later (or soon).
But what Lynne is telling us is that scientific research (for whatever that’s worth) is showing that the FUTURE is actually creating the present.
It’s kind of like we’re not so much setting an intention as having an intentional premonition.
Clear as mud? See, I told you I’d probably muck it all up. But I gave it a go. Just go order her book, already, will you?
Speaking of ordering books, Zero Limits is shipping out shortly (say that 3 times fast, ay?) and there’s an excerpt from yours truly. Woo-hoo! Can’t wait to get my copy, but I’ll have to wait 2 more weeks till I’m back in Colorado.
Lynne also talks about the “observer” factor – how reality isn’t really finished, nothing is really static, without someone there to observe it. It’s like that part of What the Bleep where they talk about how everything in the Field is possibility, and then when someone looks, it locks into one reality.
This means we have the potential to create extraordinary transformation in the blink of an eye.
Holy crap. This is fascinating stuff.
It also explains how I’ve been able to turn my financial situation around (multiple times) in the blink of an eye, with a simple shift in thought.
Man, I love this Universe.
Here’s your QoD:
How attached are you to what you perceive as reality? If the quantum physicists are right, and reality is unfinished, what would you LOVE to change in the blink of an eye, if you could change it right now?
Go for it.
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