Sunday, June 10, 2007

Do You Believe in Coincidences?

I don't believe in coincidences any more.

Sure, I used to. But now I feel like I can see things from a slightly higher perspective. Instead of being surprised or shocked by seemingly serendipitous events, I am now delighted to see how things arrive with such clarity and perfection.

Want a more specific example?

Well, a few weeks back I was blogging about an unusual marketing lesson. I had sort of haphazardly met a chiropractor who offered me a free visit.

At the end of that blog post, I said it would be interesting to see if he followed up (since lack of follow up is apparently the #1 mistake that most people make during events like the one I attended).

Sure enough, about 3 days went by, and I got a phone call to schedule my free consultation.

OK, good job chiropractor (his name is Dr. Jeff Albright, by the way).

I went for the appointment, and he did everything he said he would. And he didn't recommend a long or intricate course of treatment (can you see that I was STILL skeptical when I walked in there?)

In fact, he didn't recommend treatment that included any visits with him at all. He spent about 20 minutes with me, did some muscle testing, gave me a bunch of stretches to do, and sent me on my way.

Hmmm, interesting. Now THAT should satisfy those skeptics reading this who thought he was only using the takeaway method on me (which as you can read in the other post, would have worked like a charm, IF that was what he had been doing).

OK, now what? Nothing, until....

My husband goes for HIS free visit. Comes home floating on a cloud, blathering on and on about Jeff, how well they hit it off, how acupuncture was a piece of cake, etc etc etc.

"Excuse me??" I said. (My darling hubby has about ZERO pain tolerance, you see. I was flabbergasted taht he had undergone acupuncture without being strapped down to the table. AND that he was talking about it in such a nonchalant way).

"Oh sure, it was easy. And check this out --"

(there's MORE? I'm thinking...)

"He wants to get started in my business." Andy said.

Hmmm, I can't say I was really surprised by that. A lot of chiropractors are into personal development, and Andy's work at home business is a very lucrative way to continue your personal development journey while making piles of cash.

Then, a few days later, Andy stopped by to get what he required to get JEff set up as a new associate, and I tagged along. Why? Well, Sydney (our baby) had a nasty cough that the "traditional" doctors said was fine, but it sounded terrible. And she was all congested. Andy had mentioned something Jeff said about possibly being able to gently adjust her adn clear it all up.

Hmmmmm....if this guy could poke Andy full of needles, without cajoling him, AND Andy had actually liked it, I think I could trust him with my darling baby.

So we brought her in. What a sport, when he asked me to take off her diaper and she was poopy and I had to change her right there in his office, he didn't bat an eye. (I later found out he has about 750 nieces and nephews.) Then he poked around on her little butt cheeks and on her little baby back, and within an hour or so her breathing was MUCH clearer.

I was impressed.

See, I happen to believe that there are medical professionals and then there are healers. (Incidentally, the healers may or may not ALSO be medical professionals.)

This guy is most definitely a healer.

So what do you think I did next? I made myself an appointment. AND in the few times I've seen him, I've got chiro, acupuncture, coaching, systems testing, clearing, and more.

But that's not all.

Since Andy and I totally hit it off with Jeff and Miho (that's his wife's name), we invited them over to our house for dinner. And we had a lovely time. Even though right in the middle of dessert, Andy's chair spontaneously broke (in Andy's defense, it was a very, very old chair -- practically an antique) and he landed flat on his ass.

And they both had the decency to ask if he was OK (before we all burst out laughing).

And I suggested taht perhaps Jeff had sabotaged the chair, in an effort to drum up business. I was kidding. They thought it was funny.

See? I love when people "get" me.

And yet there's still more: I'm considering taking up Aikido at his dojo. And he's hiring me for coaching.

And just think....there are some people who believe in coincidences! Stuff and nonsense, as Lewis Carroll once wrote.

So your QoD today is this:

Can you see how being skeptical can keep good things (and people) from flowing to you? If I had maintained my initial skepticism that most chiropractors are only concerned with long-term income streams, and not their patients' well-being, I would never have had these delightful people as friends...

Hmmm...I wonder what YOU could be missing out on right now?

don't be skeptical -- just trust your intuition and your inner guidance.

Go for it!


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