Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Virtually Unheard Of...Yet I Created It!

When is the last time you flew international on a virtually EMPTY plane?

Probably not in at least 4 or 5 years.

Heck, when was the last time you flew on a domestic flight that was empty?

There are dozens of reasons for the airlines to make darn sure those flights stay full -- rising fuel prices, the slow rebound from 9/11, regulations and cutbacks, you name it.

And yet....

here's what happened.

We were debating whether or not to fly business class or coach to Australia. Apparently the flight we wanted, on the days we wanted, wasn't even a plane that had first class! (But if you've ever flown Business class on Qantas, you know it's about 100 times better than any of our domestic first class flights!)

But the cost was truly outrageous.

I mean, I know some people would sit there (I won't name names, Randy GAge) and lecture me about my prosperity mindset, but seriously. You do the math -- $5800 total for 5 people to fly to Australia round-trip versus $8,000 per ticket for business class. We just couldn't get THAT excited about generating $35k+ just to fly business class.

So we went coach.

And we felt great about the decision, like it was the perfect decision for US. And check this out- -

the flight was empty.

I don't mean there were 20 seats, or even 50. I mean there were less than 100 people on the entire plane. My party alone took up at least 5% of the entire population of hte plane!! That's hysterical.

So what, you ask?

So glad you asked.

We spread out like fish in the ocean. Each person got an entire row of three to five seats, and streched out as it we were sleeping in a twin bed.

The plane was staffed as though it was full, so the flight attendants were delighted to have so few customers to service. We were treated like kings and queens, and it definitely felt like first class to me.

I enjoyed a glass of Australian Chardonnay as well as a Bundaberg ginger beer (delicious non-alcoholic soda). Those are the same folks who make the famous Bundy rum -- a dark rum that blends perfectly with Coca-cola.

We got extra meals. We got extra attention. We got extra everything.

I absolutely love Qantas. If only they'd come into the states and replace the airlines with disguntled and cranky flight attendants (you know, United, Delta, American, pretty much all of the big domestic ones).

I know that our combined visualization of a smooth adn easy flight is what created it to be so empty. When I remarked to a flight atendant that I was quite surprised she said they were as well -- none of THEM could remember the last time they were on a flight this empty.

Yeeee-hah. I love this law of attraction stuff.

Your QoD:

Do you avoid even the bother of visualizing if you think it's not possible? Who are YOU to say what is possible for God/the Universe?

I say, go for it!


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