Sunday, July 01, 2007

Small World Gets Smaller

My last post was about quantum physics -- the study adn behaviour of teeny, tiny
particles and I jokingly said the whole discussion reminded me of the Disney song "It's a Small World."

But then the world got even smaller.

Yesterday morning we all got dressed and headed over to that same tiny Unity church in North Sydney. Last week when we went, there were about 11 people there (including the minister, adn teh 5 members of my party). And yet, after only a 10-minute discussion, it turns out that Penny (the lady who is traveling with us as our nanny for this trip) and the minister had a very good friend in common. Imagine that, we only had to travel 6,000 miles to discover a mutual friend!

Well, THIS week, the minister was not there -- apparently she had had an accident and fallen down the stairs. So another woman was presenting the lesson -- Laurie Levine -- who is a minister at a nearby Science of Mind church. After a 2-minute chat with Laurie (who is from L.A., but has been living in Sydney for over 20 years), we discover that Andy and I and Laurie have a mutual friend! This is someone we know through Andy's personal development business.

The world just keeps getting smaller...

We went out for Chinese food the other night and my fortune said something like "there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet" and that would certainly sum up my weekend.

But there's more.

Andy walked up to me last night and said "Well, we have a new Australian associate." (He's referring to his home-based business.)

I said, "OK, cool. Where does he live?"

"Here in Sydney," Andy replied.

Hmmm, that's pretty cool, I thought. I figured it was someone we had given our card to since we've been here.

"Where in Sydney," I asked?

Andy smiled. "Right by the church."

Now THAT was a hoot -- because the church was a good 20 minutes from where we were staying, and as it turns out, he not only lives within walking distance of the church, but he is also a devoted reader of this very blog (just like YOU!) In fact, he had simply clicked a link like this one to Andy's home-based business and that's how he found out about the opportunity.

So we got to meet Richard in person (in fact, we met for lunch after church) and he was a pleasure to chat with.

Then Andy and I took Sally to Luna Park (the amusement park) after her nap, and we came home to cook a seafood feast that we had collected at the Sydney Fish Market.

This trip just keeps getting better and better.

Tomorrow our friend (and business associate -- man, doens't it seem like everyone wants to get into this personal development business?) Leo is going to drive us around Sydney so we can see what's what...we're consdiering relocating here in about 5-10 years.

Here's your QoD:
Are you likely to dismiss events like these as "coincidence" or are you fully aware that you are creating every aspect of your reality?

Life is a trip, isn't it?


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