Monday, July 09, 2007

Where Two Oceans Meet

Today I experienced one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

As you know, I'm still here in Australia. For the past 2 days, Andy and I have been in Margaret River, about 3.5 hours south of Perth. We left the kids with Penny for a couple of days because a friend told us we HAD to try some of the wineries here in the Margaret River region.

We did an all-day wine tour yesterday and met some fabulous Aussies (they don't get a lot of Americans down this far -- this is where the Aussies come on holiday). Read all about that encounter here.

Despite protests from my husband, we drove down another 45 minutes (is it weird that I keep wanting to "convert" minutes? I've grown accustomed to converting numbers in my head since we've been here: temperature, money, distance, weight, liquid, local time vs. time at home, and now every time I say a number, my brain wants to convert it to something) to the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse.

This is located south of Augusta. In fact, we went to the southwestern-most tip of Australia.

The views were indescribable.

This is the place where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet, and it was breathtaking.

So much so, that we filmed a whole episode of my internet TV show (Be-Do-Have It ALL) here on the cliff.

The water was an exotic greenish-blue color, and the waves were raging. I didn't want to leave.

And I couldn't resist an "I told you so" to Andy, who didn't want to come initially, but was certainly glad he did. He recorded another installment of his Wealth Theory report while we were there.

Again, I'm here thinking about perspective.

On the one hand, you could just say it was a bunch of water. That bodies of water don't inherently exist on their own, but are only separate because we humans say so. But with another perspective, you could say that the place where two oceans meet is breathtaking and spectacular. And it's a place that so few people will ever experience.

I choose the latter, thank you.

I wanted to put my feet in the water -- there was something about saying I was IN two oceans on this trip, two oceans that I'd never been to before. To me, that was special.

It's been said that there are only two ways to live your life:

One way is that nothing is a miracle. The other is that everything is.

I am personally finding that the more I notice miracles, the more miracles I get to notice. Kind of like that Law of Attraction thing -- we get more of what we focus on.

I sure am glad that I'm focusing on beauty, power, nature and the awesome experience that comes with being alive.

Yes thank you, I'll have more of that please.

Your QoD: So what are YOU focusing on these days? Is it what you want, or what you don't want?

See the miracles. Be the miracle. And receive more miracles.

(p.s. As soon as I can get Andy to help me, I'll post some pics here so you can see. We are still unpacking, so we haven't even touched our digital photos yet!)


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